
PhotoCat users can browse their photo collections in either a bull's eye view or a more standard grid view.

Bull's Eye View
The bull's eye view includes three main sections:

  1. upper filter menus
  2. bull's eye
  3. photo bin

Users can set a time range (Day, Week or Month), which determines what photos appear on the bull's eye. They can specify a calendar day for the start of the time range. The can also use location and friends menus to filter the photos being displayed.

Grid View
The grid view is organized the same way as the bull's eye, the exception being the photos are arranged in a grid layout. The grid layout includes colored backgrounds that define where a photo was taken. A vertical white line appears where the date changes in the grid.

Interaction Flow

When the user logs into PhotoCat they are presented with their most current week of photos (green below). From that point they can use the filters at the top of the page to change the time frame or the filter the pictures that are displayed (by location or co-present people). The user can also choose if they want to view their photos using the bull's eye view or the grid view.

To add a photo to the bin (from either the grid view or the bull's eye), a user can single-click the photo. To remove a photo from the photo bin, the user can click the 'remove' link for that phtoo.

Users can view a full sized version of their photos by clicking 'view' under the photo in the photo bin, or by double-clicking a photo on the bull's eye or in the grid view.

Users can click buttons at the top of the bin to perform actions on the bin photos. The buttons include: 'view album,' 'save bin as album,' 'share bin,' 'print bin,' and 'clear bin.' All but the global 'clear bin' and 'view album' buttons open new popup windows that allow users to act on the photos currently in the bin. 'View album' opens a window displaying a menu that allows users to select an existing album.

View PhotoCat Interaction Diagram

Left Unimplemented

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for adding photos to the bin. This proved not possible given the technologies we had used to create our application (ASP, PHP, HTML).
  • Functionality in secondary popup screens (sharing via e-mail, album creation, printing, etc.)

Tools Used

PhotoCat was developed using a variety of technological and design tools. Here are the main ones:

Hardware/Art Supplies Software Backend Technologies
Nokia 7610 Cameraphone Adobe Photoshop MySQL
Kodak Digital Camera Macromedia Fireworks PHP
Canon Digital ELPH Camera Macromedia Dreamweaver ASP
Windows Laptop(s) PHPMyAdmin Microsoft Access
Mac OS Laptop MMM2 JavaScript
Paper Microsoft Word HTML
Sharpie Pens Adobe Illustrator  
Glue Sticks    
Self Lamination Sheets    
Color Ink Jet Printer    
Scotch Tape    
Paper Clips    

Tool Pros and Cons

Our first design ideas were hand drawn or roughly sketched on the computer. From there, the group developed an initial lo-fi prototype using everyday office supplies. While only semi-interactive, the paper prototype proved valuable since it allowed us to get concrete feedback from our testers in a short amount of time.

Paper Prototype
Pros Cons
Quick development Hard to create images (only had time to do 30)
Could use computer rendered images Thumbnails were not representative size
Offered something concrete to test with users Put us into a non-computer mindset
Easy to change layout issues Couldn't test a fully interactive bull's eye

Next we created our first interactive prototype using ASP, HTML, and a Microsoft Access aatabase.

Interactive Prototype I
Pros Cons
Almost fully functional Time-consuming to develop
Demonstrated the interaction of the bull's eye Locked group into a specific technology
Allowed for easy entry of more pictures (had about 100) Web site technology constrained interaction options
  Only one group member had access to the Web account where the prototype was stored because group space on ASP server not requested in time
  Code had to be updated at SIMS, and couldn't be uploaded from off campus (limitation of network security set-up)
  Two group members had used ASP, but only one group member was extremely experienced with it (luckily, he was an expert)

Our second interactive prototype was implemented included some additional technologies. As a response to Heuristic Evaluation, and class feedback the group developed a supplemental grid vew for viewing images. Because there were ASP issues (mostly due to not being able to update the site from off campus) the grid view was developed using PHP and MySQL. This did lead to some problems because we had two separate databases that we had to keep consistent.

Interactive Prototype II
Pros Cons
Added functionality worked great Two programming languages on the same project
Looked better Two databases that needed to be synchronized
Was well-recieved by the users Difficult to keep interaction consistent
Better balanced the development work Difficult to keep interface elements consistent
Easy to make small changes The two interfaces needed to talk to each other
PHP half could be updated off-campus Code updates tended to be time consuming

Our third interactive prototype was implemented with the same technology as the first two with the addition of some elements being demoed in Macromedia Flash. The selection of Flash as a demo platform was due to the lack of animation capabilities in HTML/ASP/PHP. We also wanted a way to work through some more proof-of-concept ideas without having to do a lot of additional coding. View Flash demo

Interactive Prototype III
Pros Cons
Prototyping can be done more rapidly A third development technology
  Will not be connected to our database

Next: Design Evolution