As part of our system development we were required to have another IS213 team complete a Heuristic Evaluation of the first interactive prototype of PhotoCat. The suggestions made by the other team are outlined in boxes below. Green stands for something our group has defined that we will do, Orange are comments that we believe do not promote the goals and functionality of PhotoCat, and blue are comments we agree with but do not have time to implement in one week’s time.

Thank you team UHLE for your evaluation of PhotoCat


In the month view it is difficult to determine where the range of the day takes place along the circle. There are 7 lines to represent each day but what time of day does the line represent? Is it noon or the start of the day? There should be some indication of the range.

Team Response: This is a labeling issue. It needs to be resolved. We assumed that the radii would denote the start of the day—meaning 12am—but realize this should be labeled; however, we are weary of cluttering the space with unnecessary visual noise. While we don’t want to run the risk of violating the heuristic guideline of minimalist design, we felt that adding the label of “12am” to each radii would provide sufficient information without overloading the screen with clutter.

On the concentric circles, the week view only tells the days of the week and not the date. While a user can calculate the date from the range offered to the right it might be useful to include the numerical date next to the day. Example: Mon 14

Team Response: This is also labeling issue. It is going to be extremely important give users a way to know what the days they are looking at, in a visually non-invasive and appealing way. We have resolved this problem using dynamically-generated dates as shown below.

It is difficult to tell what numerical date corresponds to each of the days. For instance, on the week of 3/13/05 there is a photo on Saturday but without rolling over the image I have to mentally count ahead to determine that Saturday is on the 19th. Perhaps at each circle along the line there should be a numerical date.

Team Response: See previous solution. We feel that we have proposed an effective solution to this point.

When switching between the Month, Week and Day views in the drop down option there is no indication of where I will be going. I assume that I will be within the range that I am currently using but I don’t know exactly which day or week or month range I will end up in. For example, starting at the month view (2/27/05-3/27/05) I select day view from the drop down menu. I end up at 3/11/05. How would I know that before doing that?

Team Response: I think this is of the utmost importance. If our interface is highlighting picture organization by time we need to get this right. Therefore, we have implemented a date range and refined the way that time is addressed in Photocat. The “Date” drop-down menus allow our users to specify their starting date for all views, and our legend information next to the bullseye further reinforces the timeframe parameters.

Grouping pictures and organizational problem. Some of the pictures are in the same area in very unorganized fashion and they look very clutter. Either some of the pictures can be put it in the one folder or could be organize different way to avoid placing the pictures on top of each other.

Team Response: You are right. Pictures shouldn’t overlap too much, but! We don’t want to spend the time on the layout code to change this over the next week.

More indication of what the view represents (might have DAY or WEEK, etc., as a title or something), what filters are currently applied.

Team Response: This is a 2 but it is important for users to know what they are looking at. This ties in to another point about starting date made above; we have added this additional information as an improvement.

What is the difference between an "album" and the "bin"? Do we need both? Can you save an album, but not the bin? What are the different properties of the two?

Team Response: We will take this into serious consideration. We understand this issue to be both conceptual and semantic. We envisioned the bin as a temporary workspace whose contents can then be saved into a permanent album. We’ve decided that we don’t want to call all the saved albums “bins”—mapping to the real world, Grandma doesn’t show the kids Photo Bins, so we feel the Album denotation is important. The key issue, we feel, is establishing a bridge between the two concepts. As a solution, we will use the phrase “save bin as album.” We will also reorder the actions in the bin so that bin-specific actions and album-specific actions are grouped together.

It is not quite easy to relate the relationship between terminology and graphic representation of bull’s eye system. What is our mental model of time? For example, in the day view, we could perceive bull’s eye representation to be as a clock and time descriptions (6pm, midnight, 6am, noon) to be placed very differently (similar to clock-wise orientation, like midnight to be north side, 6am to be at the east side, so on) than what they are presented on the interface now.

Team Response: While this is a noteworthy point, it might require an extensive investigation of the design which we do not have time to implement in one week. We will take this under advisement for future developments.

The idea of having your photos in "piles" on the screen is interesting and may be useful, but I found myself wanting to drag them around—the reasoning behind the positioning of the photos on the bulls eye is not entirely intuitive.

Team Response: Interesting organization suggestion. The so-called “piles” on the screen are representative of the basic function of Photocat, as they map the images to a time-based grid to visually represent when pictures were taken. If someone takes 5 pictures in 5 minutes, they’re going to appear in a “pile” due to close proximity on the screen and in time. Now, this is an interesting point that is raised, as it goes towards future desired functionality of Photocat. Eventually we would like to have photos on the screen be draggable: dragging the photo to another location would change the bullseye view of time. But we will not implement that at this point.
If there could be user created piles the time clumping and user dragging would compete and probably confuse.

The concentric circles go in the order of later time to more recent time. This corresponds to more recent times having a smaller circle as they approach the center. Would it make more sense to have the larger circle represent the most recent time? I guess this depends on what photos users find more important.

Team Response: This is an interesting point to which we have several proposed solutions; however, we cannot implement them in one week’s time. One idea is to put more recent photos on the outside rings as is suggested with older photos in the center. We would combine this notion with variation in size of the pictures. More recent pictures—closer in time—would be bigger and older pictures—further away in time—would be smaller. This could also work with the positioning as it is now, in combination with our proposal to implement dynamically-sized bands.

Another suggestion is that we could collapse “dead” time on the bullseye, removing radial slices that contain no pictures, as well as collapsing the space between bands that contain no pictures, resulting in non-concentric circles. This would also create more active space for photo display.

Overlapping thumbnails in the circle are very cool but it is very hard to use. I had a hard time knowing what pictures I was selecting.

Team Response: While we understand this suggestion, due to limitations in building the application we do not have time to radically improve this in one week. So far, we have taken the following actions to address this: we implemented a “scatter” algorithm, so where there are wider bands, photos fall in a scattered display as opposed to a simple overlap, freeing up more of the photo to “grab.” This is evident on our day view in particular. The idea is that as the timeframe becomes more refined, more space is available to display the photos.

There are options to create an album but I’m not sure where to view an existing album. I see that I have albums for Cat Photos and Vacation but I don’t know how to see them. Would this be a photo bin option or a menu link?

Team Response: We actually forgot to put this button on the interface. Definitely will be changed for the next prototype

In the enlarged view what does the plus do? Does it add an image to an album or does it allow the user to create an album?

Team Response: Our intention is that the plus sign adds the picture to a pre-existing album. This required better attention to detail and we have changed it accordingly, as noted in the screen shot below.

I wanted clicking on a photo to bring up the details, not add it to the bin

Team Response: This makes good sense…it follows the usage of other photo utilities, and windows and mac os in general. The current interaction is double click open details, single click add to bin. Does this make sense? Should it be reversed?

It would be helpful if a list of email address appear on the menu when the user is ready to share the pictures with other users rather than try to remember the email address of receiver.

Team Response: This is definitely in the plan. I think we left it as a text entry because of development issues for the first prototype.

When going through a year month by month using previous is cumbersome. Should there be some sort of calendar choice? Also if a particular month or day or week has a lot of photos will this slow down the process of navigating as each page has to load? (Just a technical issue I guess)

Team Response: This is a great idea. We felt that adding a calendar choice (like you see on airline websites, etc.) would be too much visual noise. We feel that our implementation of the month, day, year drop-down menus provides an elegant solution to this problem.