Information Systems and Service Design
INFO 290-1
MW 2:00-3:30, South Hall 202
- L1R1. Richard B. Chase & Uday M. Apte, "History of Research in Service Operations", Journal of Operations Management, March 2007
- L1R2. Carl Kessler & John Sweitzer, Chapter 1, "Outside-in Software Development", IBM Press, 2008
- L1R3. Christopher Meyer & Andre Schwager, "Understanding Customer Experience", Harvard Business Review, February 2007
- L1R4. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 1, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005
- L2R1. Robert J. Glushko, "Seven Contexts for Service System Design", Handbook of Service Science, 2010
- L2R2. Uday M. Apte & Richard O. Mason, "Global Disaggregation of Information-Intensive Services", Management Science, July 1995
- L2R3. Roger Betancourt, & David Gautschi, "Product Innovation in Services: A Framework for Analysis", Advances in Applied Microeconomics, 2001
- L2R4. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 4, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005
- L3R1. Carl Kessler & John Sweitzer, Chapter 3, "Outside-in Software Development", IBM Press, 2008
- L3R2. James L. Lentz & Terry M. Bleizeffer, "IT Ecosystems: Evolved Complexity and Unintelligent Design", Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology, 2007
- L3R3. Don Norman, "Designing the Infrastructure", ACM Interactions, August 2009
- L5R1. Zachary Gillen, Project Summary & Overview, "MD: Notes - Designing an Information Service for Public Hospitals", UC Berkeley School of Information, April 2008
- L5R2. Leonard L. Berry & Neeli Bendapudi, "Health Care: A Fertile Field for Service Research", Journal of Service Research, 2007
- L5R3. M. Brun, J. Brown & R. Lohde, "Adoption of UBL in Denmark: Business cases and experiences", XTech, 2005
- L5R4. Silvana Trimi & Hong Sheng, "Emerging Trends in M-Government", Communications of ACM, May 2008
- L5R5. Glen Allmendinger and Ralph Lombreglia, "Four Strategies for the Age of Smart Services", Harvard Business Review, October 2005
- L5R6. Stephen S. Intile, "Designing a Home of the Future", IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2002
- L5R7. Melody Badgett, Maureen Boyce, & Herb Kleinberger, "Turning Shoppers into Advocates: The Customer Focused Retail Enterprise", IBM Global Business Services, 2006
- L9R1. Matthew L. Meuter, Amy L. Ostrom, Robert I. Roundtree, & Mary Jo Bitner, “Self-Service Technologies: Understanding Customer Satisfaction with Technology-Based Service Encounters” Journal of Marketing, July 2000
- L9R2. Kolesar et al, "Creating Customer Value Through Industrialized Intimacy", Strategy and Business, 1998
- L9R3. Robert J. Glushko & Linsay Tabas, "Designing Service Systems by Bridging the Front Stage and Back Stage", Information Systems and E-Business Management, 2009
- L10R1. Brigitte DiFerdinando, Eric Lesser, & Tomer Amit, "Taking Information into Your Own Hands", IBM Business Consulting Services, 2004
- L10R2. Bickers, "Intelligent Design", Self-service How-to Guide
- L10R3. Scott Cook, "The Contribution Revolution: Letting Volunteers Build Your Business", Harvard Business Review, October 2008
- L11R1. L. Cherbakov et al, "Impact of Service Orientation at the Business Level", IBM Systems Journal, 2005
- L11R2. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 1, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005
- L11R3. Sean McGrath & Murray, "Principles of Service Oriented Integration", 2003
- L11R4. L. Cherbakov et al, "Changing the Corporate IT Development Model: Tapping the Power of Grassroots Computing", IBM Systems Journal, 2007
- L13R1. A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml & Leonard L. Berry, "A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research", Journal of Marketing, Autumn 1985
- L13R2. Claudio Pinhanez, "A Service Science Perspective for Interfaces", ACM Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2008
- L13R3. Joseph S. Valacich, D. Veena Parboteeah & John D. Wells, "The Online Consumer's Hierarchy of Needs", Communications of the ACM, September 2007
- L13R4. Carl Kessler & John Sweitzer, Chapter 4, "Outside-in Software Development", IBM Press, 2008
- L14R1. Jill Blue Lin & Zachary Gillen, Contextual Inquiry, "MD: Notes - Designing an Information Service for Public Hospitals", UC Berkeley School of Information, April 2008
- L14R2. Hugh R. Beyer & Karen Holtzblatt , "Apprenticing with the Customer", Communications of the ACM, May 1995
- L14R3. David R. Millen, "Rapid Ethnography: Time Deepening Strategies for HCI Field Research", Designing Interactive Systems, 2000
- L14R4. Don Norman, "Why Doing User Observations First Is Wrong", ACM Interactions, July-August 2006
- L16R1. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 7, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005
- L16R2. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 8, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005
- L16R3. Karl Wiegers, "Usable Requirements: Habits of Effective Analysts", Software Development, October 2000
- L19R1. Mary Jo Bitner, Amy L. Ostrom & Felicia N. Morgan, "Service Blueprinting: A Practical Technique for Service Innovation", California Management Review, 2008
- L19R2. James P. Womack & Daniel T. Jones, "Lean Consumption", Harvard Business Review, March 2005
- L19R3. Steven D. Eppinger et al, "A Model-based Method for Organizing Tasks in Product Development", Research in Engineering Design, 1994
- L22R1. Jill Blue Lin, "An Analysis of Graceful Degradation for Multi-Platform UIs", UC Berkeley School of Information unpublished manuscript, November 2007
- L22R2. Kai Richter et al, "The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006
- L22R3. Jun Gong and Peter Tarasewich, "Guidelines for Handheld Mobile Device Interface Design", Proceedings of the 2004 DSI Annual Meeting, 2004
- L22R4. Jan Meskens et al, "Gummy for Multi-platform UI Designs", Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2008
- L22R5. Tommy Schweller, "Cell Phone Meets Barcode Scanner", June 2009
- L24R1. Jill Blue Lin, Designing the Prototype, "MD: Notes - Designing an Information Service for Public Hospitals", UC Berkeley School of Information, April 2008
- L24R2. Youn-Kyung Lim et al, "The Anatomy of Prototypes: Prototypes as Filters, Prototypes as Manifestations of Design Ideas", ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, July 2008
- L24R3. Lars Erik Holmquist, "Prototyping: Generating Ideas or Cargo-Cult Designs", Interactions, March-April 2005
- L24R4. M. Schrage, "Never go to a Client Meeting Without a Prototype", IEEE Software, March-April 2004
- L27R1. Andrew N. Hiles, "Service Level Agreements: Panacea or Pain?", The TQM Magazine, 1994
- L27R2. Eelke Folmer & Jan Bosch, "Architecting for Usability: A Survey", The Journal of Systems & Software, 2004
- L27R3. Andreas Holzinger, "Usability Engineering Methods", Communications of the ACM, January 2005
- L27R4. Christopher W.L. Hart et al, "The Profitable Art of Service Recovery", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1990
- L27R5. Clarabridge, "Shaping your Customer Experience Management Strategy"