L2R1. Robert J. Glushko, "Seven Contexts for Service System Design", Handbook of Service Science, 2010
Fri, 07/10/2009 - 21:13 — admin
(Note: Except for the scenarios involving the bookstore and the case study at the end, this is a very dense reading ... don't try to absorb everything the first time you read it for this lecture. Just read it closely enough to be able to answer the "guide questions" here. We'll be discussing each context in detail as we proceed through the course - Bob).
Guide Questions:
- What are the seven contexts of design? What is the value of identifying these seven contexts?
- How are the different contexts related through derivation and composition?
- How does the mix of design problems and design methods systematically vary across the seven contexts?
- How do you choose which contexts to apply to a specific service problem?