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ReadingL17R2. MOSCOW Prioritization admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL17R1. Jan Kettenis, "Getting Started with Use Case Modeling", An Oracle White Paper, March 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL16R3. Karl Wiegers, "Usable Requirements: Habits of Effective Analysts", Software Development, October 2000 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL16R2. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 8, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL16R1. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 7, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL15R2. Benson P. Shapiro, V. Kasturi Rangan & John J. Sviokla, "Staple Yourself to an Order", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1992 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL15R1. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 11, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL14R4. Don Norman, "Why Doing User Observations First Is Wrong", ACM Interactions, July-August 2006 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL14R3. David R. Millen, "Rapid Ethnography: Time Deepening Strategies for HCI Field Research", Designing Interactive Systems, 2000 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL14R2. Hugh R. Beyer & Karen Holtzblatt , "Apprenticing with the Customer", Communications of the ACM, May 1995 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL14R1. Jill Blue Lin & Zachary Gillen, Contextual Inquiry, "MD: Notes - Designing an Information Service for Public Hospitals", UC Berkeley School of Information, April 2008 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL13R4. Carl Kessler & John Sweitzer, Chapter 4, "Outside-in Software Development", IBM Press, 2008 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL13R3. Joseph S. Valacich, D. Veena Parboteeah & John D. Wells, "The Online Consumer's Hierarchy of Needs", Communications of the ACM, September 2007 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL13R2. Claudio Pinhanez, "A Service Science Perspective for Interfaces", ACM Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2008 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL13R1. A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml & Leonard L. Berry, "A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research", Journal of Marketing, Autumn 1985 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL12R2. Anna Goy et al, "Personalization in E-Commerce Applications", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL12R1. Gediminas Adamavicius & Alexander Tuzhilin, "Personalization Techologies: A Process-Oriented Perspective", Communications of the ACM, October 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL11R4. L. Cherbakov et al, "Changing the Corporate IT Development Model: Tapping the Power of Grassroots Computing", IBM Systems Journal, 2007 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL11R3. Sean McGrath & Murray, "Principles of Service Oriented Integration", 2003 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL11R2. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 1, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL11R1. L. Cherbakov et al, "Impact of Service Orientation at the Business Level", IBM Systems Journal, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL10R3. Scott Cook, "The Contribution Revolution: Letting Volunteers Build Your Business", Harvard Business Review, October 2008 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL10R2. Bickers, "Intelligent Design", Self-service How-to Guide admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL10R1. Brigitte DiFerdinando, Eric Lesser, & Tomer Amit, "Taking Information into Your Own Hands", IBM Business Consulting Services, 2004 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL9R3. Robert J. Glushko & Linsay Tabas, "Designing Service Systems by Bridging the Front Stage and Back Stage", Information Systems and E-Business Management, 2009 admin01 year 7 weeks ago