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ProfileGeorge T Hayes ghayes052 weeks 18 hours ago
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ReadingL3R3. Don Norman, "Designing the Infrastructure", ACM Interactions, August 2009 admin01 year 1 week ago
ProfileHyunwoo Park hwpark01 year 2 weeks ago
ReadingL28R1. Brenda Dietrich & Terry Harrison, "Serving the Services", OR/MS Today, June 2006 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R2. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 10, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R1. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 5, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R5. Clarabridge, "Shaping your Customer Experience Management Strategy" admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R4. Christopher W.L. Hart et al, "The Profitable Art of Service Recovery", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1990 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R3. Andreas Holzinger, "Usability Engineering Methods", Communications of the ACM, January 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R1. Andrew N. Hiles, "Service Level Agreements: Panacea or Pain?", The TQM Magazine, 1994 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL27R2. Eelke Folmer & Jan Bosch, "Architecting for Usability: A Survey", The Journal of Systems & Software, 2004 admin01 year 7 weeks ago
ReadingL26R2. Richard E. Fairley & Mary Jane Willshire, "Iterative Rework: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", Computer, September 2005 admin01 year 7 weeks ago