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 Assignment 1
Project Proposal
 Assignment 2
Personas, Goals
& Tasks Analysis
 Assignment 3 (Revised)
Scenarios, Comparative
Analysis & Initial Design
 Assignment 4
Low-fi Prototype & Usability Testing
 Assignment 5
First Interactive Prototype & Presentation
Assignment 6
Heuristic Evaluation
 Assignment 7
Second Interactive Prototype & Heuristic Evaluation Intergration
 Assignment 8
Pilot Usability Study &
Formal Usability Test Design
 Assignment 9
Third Interactive Prototype
Write up
(Final Presentation)
Work Distribution

Response to Heuristic Evaluation

Heuristic Evaluation by PhotoCat

Uhle Solution

Outstanding Issues

1. [H1 Visibility] (Severity 2)

I have a laptop running 1024x768, and the choices below “Material Type” are below the fold. Perhaps you could merge the “Uhle” title area with the navigation bar to get rid of the space on the upper left and bring the content up a little more on the page.

We decided not to implement this comment.

2. [H7 Flexibility] (Severity 2)
In my browser interface, the links on the upper right seemed too close to the search radio buttons (that are displayed post-search). You might want to move the links up to the white space with the title. We are temporarily removing this function for the next user testing until the backend functionality exists. Add in.
3. [H7 Flexibility] (Severity 3)
The gray background combines three forms with three different “Go” buttons. Does “Search” go with the map, or is it a more global tool like the other items up top (site navigation_? You could answer that by keeping “Search” with the map’s background or with the nav bar background. We created separate color sections to distinguish the separate areas. Done
4. [H10 Documentation] (Severity 2)
The legend in the corner of the map is unclear. 1-10 what? I’m guessing this means the number of artifacts. A label would be nice. We labeled the map legend. Done
5. [H1 Visibility] (Severity 3)
Does “Show All” open up all the hierarchical menus? Or does it check all of the menus, so that clicking “Go” will then show all artifacts? Or, is it a fast way to uncheck all the checkboxes in the facets below? The Show All checkbox presumably makes the interface ignore any selection that has taken place in the faceted metadata area. The checkbox isn’t the most appropriate control and it does not make the consequences of selecting it very clear. The Show All button and the faceted metadata node checkboxes may both be selected at the same time (in seeming conflict). Two radio buttons may be more appropriate here with two choices: one to show everything and one to select metadata. When Show All is selected the metadata area should reflect the state of not being used by being deactivated. We added the ability to expand all the menus and close all the menus. Done
6. [H1 Visibility] (Severity 3)
How does “Total Matches” field relate to the map above it? Does it relate to the map, to the facets below, or both? If the facets and the map are distinct tools and the “Total Matches” field pertains to one of them, this should be communicated somehow. We created separate color sections to distinguish the separate areas. Done
7. [H6 Recognition] (Severity 2)
When I open the home page, I’m a little unsure of where to start. It might be nice to give the first-time visitor a clear pointer as to what to do first (Click on the map? Type a search keyword?). We created a help page that describes how to search. Done
8. [H6 Recognition] (Severity 3)
In the featured artifact display, it might be nice to include the top breadcrumb links so people can explore the areas under which the featured artifact is classified. Those links would also give users clues about how the collection is organized and how to explore the collection. We added content to the home screen. Done
9. [H1 User Control] (Severity 2)
It would be nice to have a “Close All” button by the facets that would close all the menus at once to make the interface uncluttered. Or maybe you could call the button “Reset,” and it would uncheck everything as well. We added the ability to Close all the menus. Done
10. [H1 Visibility of system status] (Severity 2)
The interface displays a Name and Password log in area under the navigation links for the site. Right now the interactive prototype acts as though people are logged in. It is probably more appropriate to provide status such as “logged in” or showing the username of the person logged in such as gMail does. Because of the form and no log-in status someone using the system might be uncertain of their log in status. We removed this feature for this phase of the project. This is functionality that will need to be included during the life of the project but not needed for the scope of this design. Done
11. [H2 Match between system and the real world] (Severity 1)
Most people will understand what the log in is asking for with Name and Password. It may be more appropriately called Username since name suggest that someone type their name rather than a username or login. Most sites I’ve seen ask for a Username instead. We removed this feature for this phase of the project. This is functionality that will need to be included during the life of the project but not needed for the scope of this design. Done
12. [H10 Help and Documentation] (Severity 4)
There is no help visible for the system anywhere. For the most part, the system is reasonably straightforward to use, though. We added a help page to assist users. Done
13. [H4 Consistency and standards] (Severity 3)
The display of matches when selecting the faceted metadata seems to show things in a strange way. It has Total Matches followed by what appears to be a disabled text box that shows the number of matches. Also as part of the problem, the Go button directly follows the disabled text box. This part of the display seems like a data entry form with a textbox and a Go button right beside it. As suggested in the GUI Bloopers book, textboxes should be used to enter data and not as display devices. Also the Go button probably goes with the list of faceted metadata in the list below, yet it appears next to the results. Moving the text box inside of the faceted metadata selection area would make its relation more obvious if this is what the Go is referring to. There is no longer a border showing on this text box. Done
14. [H7 Flexibility and efficiency of use or H4 Consistency and standards] (Severity 3)
The expanding lists of metadata items have different behaviors on different items. Sometimes the expanding lists expand by clicking either the side-arrows next to them or the text of the item. Sometimes they only expand when the text of the item is clicked. Many people who click these expanding lists will expect the list to expand as they click the side-arrow icon that indicates a closed portion of a list. The same goes for folding them back up by clicking the down arrow icon. We changed all the menus to be consistent. Done
15. [H4 Consistency and Standards, H5 Error prevention] (Severity 4)
The search options for Within search results and new search do not operate correctly as radio buttons normally do. Both may be selected at the same time. It also makes the state unclear and it’s unclear which type of search is being performed when both are selected and cannot be deselected. Also, it’s often traditional to place a Go or Submit button after all the form fields related to it (such as after these two options). We are temporarily removing this function for the next user testing until the backend functionality exists. Done
16. [H5 Error Prevention and H6 Recognition rather than recall] (Severity 3)
In both the search results and the details screen there is a Remove link next to either the search or the facets. It was unclear what this does in the details screen in which it is shown next to the facets. Does this indicate that any user may remove this object from this facet? Or does this indicate that the user is no longer interested in limiting by this item? Or does this indicate that the facet is being removed? If the use is unclear then it may cause errors or people will need to remember what the items does because of the ambiguity. Maybe this is unclear because I don’t know some tidbit about archeology. We created a colored box that surrounds the entire parameter set so that remove is more easily associated with the grouping. Done
17. [H1 Visibility of system status and H2 Match between system and the real world] (Severity 2)
The thumbnails screen shows small thumbnails of each item with its collection/item number underneath as a caption. Does this small caption present the most useful information in the available space? I’m not sure what piece of information your target users will want to see the most with each thumbnail since there is limited space. I suspect that a collection number might not be the most useful. It might be useful, however, since this is a specialized application and perhaps this number is of great significance to archeologists. I know in everyday life, most people do not want to see the item number of an item when they are shopping. They would rather see its name or description. We added more information to the thumbnails. Done
18. [H8 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design](Severity 2)
If users are required to login before they can view any of the elements in the collection creating a separate login page might make sense. Would remove the login from the main screen. We removed this feature for this phase of the project. This is functionality that will need to be included during the life of the project but not needed for the scope of this design. Done
19. [H1 Visibility of System Status](Severity 2)
Seems like if you are giving “Total Matches” a dynamic changing value it might be good to show the factors that are changing the values. The check boxes relate to the Total Matches. We'll see how this plays out in user testing. dna
20. [H7 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use] (Severity 2)
The numbers of “Total Matches” should be updated as a user moves through the entire hierarchy not just when they click the check box. Or, if this approach isn’t taken, this aspect of the system should be re-examined: total matches for each category, or something like that. As a design decision, we decided to test this at the simpler level. We'll see how this plays out in user testing. dna
21. [H3 User Control and Freedom] (Severity 3)
Map should be click-able for those users who want to navigate to a specific site quickly without having to use the drop downs. We are using a map tool that is yet to be implemented. Map
22. [H7 User Control and Freedom] (Severity 3)
In scenario 3 the user was supposed to print results. But the results in both text and photos view are broken up six per page. User should be able to define the number of elements per page. User should be able to define number of element on a page so printing is a feasible option. We created a print option that opens a print window, where the user can print from. Done
23. [H2 Match between system and Real World] (Severity 2)
In the interview data you mention that a user suggested the text view, perhaps there are more fields that can be displayed? Also might be useful to sort by terms. This doesn’t really have much more data than the photo view. We added more fields to the text view. Done
24. [H7 Recognition Rather than Recall] (Severity 2)
Should be able to see the textual data in the grid view with the images of the artifact, so the user doesn’t have to remember the artifact number. We added more fields to the text view. Done
25. [H7 Flexibility and Efficiency of Use] (Severity 2)
Should highlight the location(s) on the map that have been selected when viewing searches. We are using a map tool that is yet to be implemented. Map
26. [H8 Aesthetic and Minimalist Design] (Severity 3)
On the search results page there is a bread crumb trail that has a ‘remove’ at the end seems like clicking one of the links would move back without needing remove. Now we understand this function but the remove is very confusing. We created a colored box that surrounds the entire parameter set so that remove is more easily associated with the grouping. Done
27. [H2 Consistency and Standards] (Severity 3)
If the << and >> arrows are going to be used on the search result pages (photo, text) there should be << >> on the single image page to allow a user to move through the images/data without having to go back to the results. We put << >> on the detail pages. Done
28. [H2 Match between system and the real world] (Severity rating 3)
I understand that the map is going to be developed with a pre-existing map tool, but I think it lacks enough information to really represent the data. The size of the blue dots is understood, but I don’t think enough geographic information is offered. I would suggest rollovers or tool-tips…maybe give longitude/latitude or other info when a blue dot is touched? I don’t think that cardinal directions are enough information about the map. I would even suggest that since the map shows a detailed area, it map as an inset to a larger map, placing it in context to its relative geographic location. We are using a map tool that is yet to be implemented. Map
29. [H7 Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 3)
I desperately want to ‘touch’ the blue dots on the map and have them bring up some data. Because the map is located directly over a navigational system, it comes off looking like a “driver,” or an area that allows you to input and control output. The blue dots evoke a sense of interactivity to me and I’m disappointed that I cannot click on them. We are using a map tool that is yet to be implemented. Map
30. [H7 Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 3)
There is something I don’t like about the position of the “views/thumbnails/text only” menu. Being at the far right of the screen, it’s a very inactivated area of the screen. The eye doesn’t often go there. Also, how do I know that that is an option before beginning my search? Why does it only pop up after search results are produced? I think this fact is more significant than screen positioning. I would suggest to make this option visible from the first screen so the user can know what the options are before starting out. In turn, I would move it in to the upper left / left portion of the screen where it will be more active and more visible. We changed the layout of the thumbails/ text only views. We also implemented radio buttons that indicate which the user is looking at. Done
31. [H7 Flexibility and efficiency of use] (Severity 2)
What are my options for search? I think that the search mechanism needs to be either more documented/annotated or perhaps enhanced. Are there options? Is it all the same? Would it help your audience to have a more refined search, or a short blurb that explains how searching works? Either add more controls or a label: do I enter a tribe, an area, a keyword, or what? We added a help screen to cover such questions. Done
32. [H8 Aesthetic and minimalist design] (Severity 4)
Because it isn’t implemented yet, it’s hard to know how this will work and look, but I caution against how the “constant” links at the top will work with the navigation on the left and the “display” space. I would not want to click “uhle biography” or “history of the collection” and still see the map/options on the left, unless they were relevant in some way—could the map reflect data about the history of the collection and be interactive? Otherwise, be careful how this info gets displayed. I’m also not clear as to why these links need to be constants at the top, seen throughout all search screens, etc.—are they really that relevant? We changed these links to open in a window separate from the display area for search results. We believe this will be particularly useful in using help, where a user may want the screens to be side by side to walk through steps. Done

Link to Second Interactive Prototype
