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 Assignment 1
Project Proposal
 Assignment 2
Personas, Goals
& Tasks Analysis
 Assignment 3 (Revised)
Scenarios, Comparative
Analysis & Initial Design
 Assignment 4
Low-fi Prototype & Usability Testing
 Assignment 5
First Interactive Prototype & Presentation
Assignment 6
Heuristic Evaluation
 Assignment 7
Second Interactive Prototype & Heuristic Evaluation Intergration
 Assignment 8
Pilot Usability Study &
Formal Usability Test Design
 Assignment 9
Third Interactive Prototype
Write up
(Final Presentation)
Work Distribution

Assignment 7: Second Interactive Prototype & Heuristic Evaluation Intergration

1. Second Interactive Prototype Overview

2. Response to Heuristic Evaluation

3. Link to Second Interactive Prototype

4. Work Distribution Table

1. Second Interactive Prototype Overview

For our second interactive prototype, we incorporated feedback from the heuristic evaluation of our site by PhotoCat (the complete heuristic evaluation is available here). The overall layout and navigation functions remained the same, but we tried to accommodate most suggested modifications to make the site more useable. Some of the larger changes are briefly outlined below.

First, the information about the site and project as a whole, which can be reached from links at the top of every page, now open in a new window rather than in the same area in which the results are displayed. This allows users to refer to these pages without interrupting her search.

Secondly, we added a help section to the site. Like the "about the site" links, the button to access the help section is clearly visible at the top right corner of each page. To differentiate it from the other links, the help button appears as a question mark (similar to help buttons in many other applications and thus familiar to users).

Third, we made the function of the "Show All" radio button more clear by changing it to text links reading "Expand All Menus" and "Close All Menus." This allows users to quickly open all the hidden categories for browsing-a feature that our initial users asked for during paper prototype testing. Implementing this function is an important improvement over the first interactive prototype.

Finally, we implemented many smaller changes to improve the look of the site and streamline navigation. Please see the following table for a more detailed discussion of the specific changes we made, including several which we chose not to address at this point.


Link to Response to Heuristic Evaluation

Link to Second Interactive Prototype
