Midterm Project 1: Group project proposal
Listening sandbox is an augmented sand box with music for kids. I am hoping this can teach children about musical pitch and rhythm with a lot of interactive fun. There are other TUI/GUIs in a similar idea of this, but I want to build something for especially toddler age.
New Alarms and Detecting North with a Sixth Sense
Team: Zach Wasson, Brian McRae, and Michael Schiff
As a team, we're currently deciding between two ideas.
Group Members: Ajeeta Dhole, Christine Schantz, Michael Craig
Proposal #1) The Interactive Pathway
Group Members: Lisa Wang, Eunkwang Joo,
Facilitated Active Communication Transmitter - FACT
Echo Sensory Vest (working title)
Sophie Barness and Deb Linton
Tangible Query: A search engine using combinations of metaphoric objects
Eungchan Kim, Seongtaek Lim, Yu-Hsiang (Sean) Chen
group members: nathan john, marie kirkegaard, john scott
Team Members: Thomas May and Søren Svejstrup.