Session Transcript for User C

Friday, March 3, 2006

Experience with IMG: High.
Experience with annotations: High.

TASK 1: Look at a specific gene's annotation history

User C was a little confused about where to go from the gene cart page, but he does click through to Gene Details. He attempts to click on Gene Summary Information , but we do not have that page available. So he clicks on "Modify Annotation", and then previous version.

TASK 2: Modify an existing annotation with homologous data

He clicks update annotation from gene details. He refers back to the ortholog clusters on Gene Details page, but he wants to see the pre-compiled BLAST results, so he clicks on NCBI BLAST. He takes some time trying to remember how to get to the homologue pages, but we gently remind him (since this has nothing to do with our portion of the interface). He clicks on the top homologous protein, returns to the Modify Annotation page, and then discovers he can pre-fill based on that homologue. He would like a way to compare the previous annotation to the new homologue to see exactly what fields are different.

In order to determine which homologue is the most appropriate match for this gene, he would like to see the query sequence, COG, PFAM, and PROSITE information. One might have a list of the three closest queries, with more detailed information about those three. He suggested having the absolute lengths, amino acids, and alignments between them.

He saves the annotation as a draft. He would like to hit 'OK', after which he would expect the window to close. In response to the ability to vote and to watch a given annotation, he says, "Hm. Cool." He goes to MyAnnotations, clicks Edit, and clicks Submit.

TASK 3 : Change annotation by adding a COG group

He clicks 'update' from gene details, goes to modify annotation, clicks on COG, goes to COG browser, finds malate dehydrogenase (inside energy metabolism), finds COG Category Details, identifies COG 0039, enter this data and clicks 'Submit.'

TASK 4 : Express opposition to someone else's choice of annotation

From gene cart, he hits discuss. He makes a note on the discussion page, and submits it.

TASK 5: Comment on annotations for multiple genes

This is completed easily.


Open Questions

What additional functionality would you like to see?

User C requested structural annotation functionality, which is outside the scope of this project.

What about a flag for genes currently under discussion in gene search page (and wherever else)? (This might be accomplished by showing version numbers.)

Would you click 'I Agree'?

Yes, although we should require logging in.

What do you think of the Multiple Annotation functionality?

This is dangerous. It would be used very rarely for most people, but might be a great help to production facilities. Perhaps people just need to be warned, when they do batch annotation, with lots of "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Would it make sense to limit annotations only to hypotheticals?

Even that gets dangerous. Hypotheticals are hypothetical for a reason. Homology to a hypothetical annotation is even more hypothetical.  

What about the ability annotate several genes in series (to avoid excessive clicking)?

He has to wonder a moment whether anyone would use it. "Hmm.... I would....." (uncertain).