Script for Low-Fi Prototype Testing
Introduction during setup
- Have user sign informed consent form.
- Explain that we will be using a prototype to test the usability of the proposed system.
- Ask them to think aloud as they use the prototype.
- Explain that we are testing the system, not the user.
- Obtain permission to record the session.
- Demo how to use the system with this task:
- Starting from the IMG home page;
- Search for a gene by name (show clicking on gene search, submitting search);
- View results as a gene list (starting point for first real task).
Task 1
- Start from the gene list.
- View the annotation history for the first gene on the list.
- Modify the existing annotation for that gene with:
- GO function;
- EC number;
- COG group;
- Name.
- Save your annotation as a draft.
- Go back to your annotation and submit it.
Task 2
- Express your opposition to this annotation (point).
Task 3
- Start from the Gene Cart.
- Change an annotation by adding a COG group.
Task 4
- Start from the Gene Cart
- Comment on annotations for multiple genes.
Debriefing questions
- Do you find the metadata about annotation (ratings, last annotator) to be useful?
- Was there any functionality you felt was missing?
- What do you think of the idea of designating users as members and fellows, with higher privileges for fellows?
- What do you think of the proposed methods for becoming a fellow?
- Do you think you would use the agree/disagree buttons? Would you use one more than the other?