Questions for Biologists

Introduction : Explain purpose of interview.

Have you used JGI's Integrated Microbial Genomes system?

•  What is your research about?

•  How do you keep track of information about each gene?

•  What role does manual annotation play in your work?

•  If you do annotation at all, can you walk us through the use of whatever annotation tools you use now?

•  Which ontologies would you like to see represented in the annotation fields? What other features would you like to see added or removed (e.g. all the BLAST hits)?

•  What information do you need in order to understand the annotations?

•  How useful would it be to you to be able to make functional annotations without being able to do structural annotations?

•  Would you be interested in using a collaborative annotation tool that allowed anyone who wanted to obtain a login if the system provided assessments of the validity of their annotations (based on feedback from other users)?


Would you like to offer further direction into the development of this project at a later date?