i. Web

Assignment 7 | April 13

January 26th, 2009  |  Published in i. Web

Assignment 7: Web Design (due April 19th)

In this assignment you will explore the design of a website by creating a new (a) homepage and (b) sub-page for one of the following:

(1) your school’s website
(2) your personal website
(3) your personal project

We encourage you to create a site map and wireframes for each page before beginning your graphical design. The pages can be designed as html documents or as static images.

Please consider:
- your desired audience
- the persistence of your navigation
- visual hierarchy
- highlighting the most important or useful information
- visual consistency within and across pages (color, layout, type)
- minimizing visual redundancy (if you do not need it, remove it)

Post your designs and description of your designs on the web by Sunday, April 19th.