
L13R4. Carl Kessler & John Sweitzer, Chapter 4, "Outside-in Software Development", IBM Press, 2008

 Read pp. 71-81, 88-90, 99-103

Guide Questions:

  • What is consumability?
  • How is consumability related to service quality evaluation?
  • How should this affect service design?

L13R3. Joseph S. Valacich, D. Veena Parboteeah & John D. Wells, "The Online Consumer's Hierarchy of Needs", Communications of the ACM, September 2007

Guide Questions:

  • What comprises the online consumer's hierarchy of needs?
  • How is this relevant to the design of service systems?
  • How does this affect the quality evaluation of service systems? 

L13R2. Claudio Pinhanez, "A Service Science Perspective for Interfaces", ACM Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2008

Guide Questions:

  • What are the inherent differences between online service applications and other types of service encounters (person-to-person, technology-enabled encounters, etc)?
  • What are the characteristics of service applications that have corresponding implications in their HCI design?
  • What design principles can you derive from addressing these characteristics?

L13R1. A. Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml & Leonard L. Berry, "A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research", Journal of Marketing, Autumn 1985

Guide Questions:

  • Why are services difficult to evaluate?
  • What criteria do consumers use to evaluate services?
  • How can these ideas on service quality evaluation be used in the design of services and systems?
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