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Readings _______ (Last updated October
14, 2004)_______ Printer-friendly
readings page (PDF)
All assigned readings are preparatory for upcoming lectures. SIMS students click here for the course
slides and readings.
There is no assigned text, as such, for this course. We will indicate useful readings in class and include information and links in this section.
General background
Brigham & Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management (10th ed., South-western)
G. Elliott & N. Phillips, Mobile Commerce and Wireless Computing Systems (Pearson/Addison-Wesley, 2004)Specific useful references
WASP - Wireless application service providersFAQs from Vodacom (South Africa)
WASP Handbook
Readings for 10/19:
Leading thought: Get an overview of the developments regarding digital convergenceSelected parts: “E-conmics – Strategies for the digital marketplace” (Zerdick et al. (2000)) (38-42 top; 52-53; 81-90; 94-101; 130-135;162 – 176; optional: 214-229)
“New Digital Media and Devices” (Hess/ Rawolle (2000))
Leading thought: Get to know the developments in the mobile market since it will be our challenge to integrate mobile with “old” print and web-mediaDurlacher Mobile Commerce Report (old, but still giving a good overview)
Music and mobile phones: Ringing the changes, Apr 15th 2004, From The Economist print edition (surprising developments!)
Global M-Payment Report (Arthur D. Little (2004)) and Global M-Payment slides
Leading thought: Introduction into the challenges of integrating mobile and print“Mobile Publishing in Print Media Companies” (CDTM, Antje Seider 2004), chapter 1
Draft of a “Generic Mobile Publishing Framework” (.ppt)
Readings for 10/21:
Leading thought: Become aware of the advantages of visualizing ideas and concepts in mock-ups:
1. “The Usability Engineering Lifecycle” with Mock-up Example “Interaktiv”
Readings for 10/26:
Leading question: How does the technology looks like, that makes the integration of mobile, web and print possible?
1. “Exploiting the Power of Product Platforms for the Media Industry” (Koehler/Anding/Hess (2003))
2. “Mobile Publishing in Print Media Companies” (CDTM, Antje Seider 2004), chapter 2 and 4.
3. “Trends and determinants of managing virtual R&D teams” (Gassmann/ von Zedtwitz (2003)) (as a reminder of the challenges a Berkeley-Munich team will face)
Readings for 10/28:
Leading Question: Benchmark your own ideas you prepared as hand-ins for session 3 with the case studies presented in this paper):
1. “Mobile Publishing in Print Media Companies” (CDTM, Antje Seider 2004), chapter 5 – 7Readings for 10/28:
1. Preparation of Case Study Boston.comReadings for 11/2:
Leading thought: Learn about blogging and think about the (commercial?) opportunities for media companies of integrating the reader (user) into the production of content:
1. “Weblogs Bring Journalists into a Larger Community” (Paul Grabowicz in Nieman Reports (2004)).
2. “Blogs and journalism need each other” (J.D. Lasica in Nieman Reports (2004))
3. “How blogging benefits media organizations” (J.D. Lasica in Nieman Reports (2004))Readings for 11/4:
Leading thought: The product platform you were introduced to in Session 6 can be understood as a Toolkit provided by an IT company to a media company (user)
1. "Shifting Innovation to Users via Toolkits" (Hippel/Katz (2002))Readings for 11/9:
Preparation of Case Study: The Wallstreet Journal
a graduate course taught in Munich, Germany, and Berkeley, California by the joint efforts of :