____________________________Realizing Digital Convergence: InfoSys 290 section 1

Campanile and South Hall SF Bay Area Fiber Optics Mobile Devices Digitally Composed Hand Mobile media converging

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Course Update:

Our current plan is to meet from 8 - 9 am, Tuesdays and some Thursdays, to enable interactive video sessions with CDTM-Germany.  The joint meetings with CDTM are now scheduled to start on 19 October. We expect to have a long Service Development Venture "week" (actually Thursday through Sunday), tentatively set for 11-14 November . The class meetings during the early weeks will cover the development of business and financial models and will be Berkeley-only. We are currently working on the both the schedule and the classroom technology.  A tentative draft schedule is now available.

Course Description:
This course combines lectures on industry structure, market analysis, and business models with the development of a working prototype and business case for a multimedia application. The application will be an innovative digital magazine that combines the possibilities of the Internet and mobile communications with traditional print content.

It is now common to receive an e-mail notification of a new release--which can be musical, literary, informational, or artistic--that has an embedded link to additional content or a download site. The course project will extend this model to mobile communications using SMS (short message service) and MMS (multimedia message service) capabilities, demonstrating possibilities for providing a variety of content while generating new revenue streams.

The project integrates three primary approaches: designing usable new media by focusing on users and usability, developing successful products and services by identifying revenue streams and managing costs, and understanding the market context with an explicit realization of the differences in mobile and Internet communications worldwide. Lectures and project development will be coordinated with a team from the Center for Digital Technology and Management in Munich, Germany. The schedule may vary across the semester. We expect to have a combination of intensive interactive meetings during September 2004, class and working group meetings coordinated with CDTM during the first half of the semester, and additional meetings during the second half of the semester.

IS246 (can be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor.

Why is this class being taught so early in the morning?

Lectures and project development will be coordinated with German students at the Center for Digital Technology and Management in Munich, Germany. Usually the course will be held at 8:00-9:00am (5:00-6:00pm in Germany) on Tuesdays and some Thursdays. [We are considering meeting for a longer period of time, e.g., 8:00-9:30am, on Tuesdays if we do so without causing schedule conflicts.]

Is InfoSys 246 really a prerequisite to enroll in this course?

We highly recommend that students in this course have taken or are currently enrolled in InfoSys246. Permission may be granted by Professor Braunstein in certain cases. Feel free to contact Professor Braunstein if you have any questions about this.

Besides prerequisites, are there any other restrictions for enrolling in this course?

All graduate students and well-prepared upper division undergraduates are welcome to enroll in this course. If you are not a SIMS student, you will need to contact Professor Braunstein for more information and permission.

What is the course size limit?

Enrollment for this course is limited to 30 students. We recommend that you register for this course in Phase I of Telebears.

Professor Info:

Professor Yale M. Braunstein
yale at sims dot berkeley dot edu

Course TA: Patrick Riley, project mReplay: mobile phone instant replay and digital convergence
patrick at sims dot berkeley dot edu

School of Information Management and Systems
102 South Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-4600 (U.S.A.)
Voice telephone: +1 (510) 642-2235
FAX: +1 (510) 642-5814

Realizing Digital Convergence: InfoSys 290 section 1

a course provided by the joint efforts of :

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