Assignment 3

Assignment 3 has been posted. It is due on Tuesday April 16th (in two weeks!). Download it in the following formats: [docx] [pdf]

Important note: Part 1 will be a two-person writing task and a somewhat longer essay (1200 words).

Please pick a partner to write Part 1 with and pick an Internet culture glossary term (see the assignment sheet) by Thursday (4/4) and send a quick e-mail to Jen ( to let her know a) who you’ve partnered with b) the term you’ve picked.

Mobile Phone Usage in Public Places

By: Julia, Sonali and Haroon

In their book “Mobile Communication” Ling and Donner argue that the connectivity and reachability brought about by a significant increase in mobile phone usage is allowing us to interact on the phone in any social situation and is changing the dynamics of our social interactions (Ling and Donner, p. 4). While this constant state of connectivity helps us maintain our relationships with friends and family, it also creates tensions with strangers.

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Assignment 2, Part 2

We handed back assignment 2, part 2 in class last Thursday.

Here is the ‘key’ to the rubric:

1 – (1 point) topic area is clearly described
2 – (1 point) states the specific problem or problems you are engaging with
3 – (1 point) refers to one or more theoretical framework or concept from 203 that could inform your analysis
4 – (1 point) provides justification for why the problem is important
5 – (1 point) citations are listed, are appropriate, are complete.

The Art of Trolling: Knight, Jester, or Mole?

by Ryan Baker, Fred Chasen, Christina Pham, Rohan Salantry

A new study by Nottingham Trent University study describes “trolling” as “intentionally provoking or antagonizing users in an online environment” and found that 60% of gamers had engaged in this behavior[i]. However, the definition of what constitutes trolling has evolved as new opportunities to interact have developed online. The behavior now has several faces which depend on the community, and on the motivation of the trolling user. Anonymous users of low social standing may troll to disrupt existing communities, whereas community members of high social standing may use trolling to alienate new users, behavior that could be described as bullying. Internet groups sometimes act collectively to troll other communities or targets to make political statements, or simply for amusement. This essay will examine several of these different troll types, and the motivations behind them.

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Where do the children play?

By Colin, Vanessa, and Jacob

Is today’s Facebook really the new MySpace? Is it a networked public that plays a crucial role in the development and performance of teen identities? Or has it become an extension of an age-segregated culture where parents aggressively constrain their children’s behavior? In this blog post, we discuss key differences between Facebook and MySpace that may lead Facebook to play a very different role in teen’s lives than MySpace did when danah boyd wrote “Why Youth Heart Social Network Sites.” We focus on Facebook’s features and use today, instead of Facebook at the time MySpace was popular.
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