Assignment 3

Assignment 3 has been posted. It is due on Tuesday April 16th (in two weeks!). Download it in the following formats: [docx] [pdf]

Important note: Part 1 will be a two-person writing task and a somewhat longer essay (1200 words).

Please pick a partner to write Part 1 with and pick an Internet culture glossary term (see the assignment sheet) by Thursday (4/4) and send a quick e-mail to Jen ( to let her know a) who you’ve partnered with b) the term you’ve picked.

Assignment 2, Part 2

We handed back assignment 2, part 2 in class last Thursday.

Here is the ‘key’ to the rubric:

1 – (1 point) topic area is clearly described
2 – (1 point) states the specific problem or problems you are engaging with
3 – (1 point) refers to one or more theoretical framework or concept from 203 that could inform your analysis
4 – (1 point) provides justification for why the problem is important
5 – (1 point) citations are listed, are appropriate, are complete.

Preparation for Assignment 2, Flickr Mini-Assignment #2, due Thursday Mar. 7

Diary Exercise – log your own work practices and your use of paper (and other tools) vs. digital technology. Keep this log for at least 1-2 days. You will reference this diary in the second assignment, but it does not need to be turned in.

A log sheet is available: [docx] [pdf].

Flickr Mini-Assignment #2: How Exactly Do We Work? – the purpose of this mini-assignment is to encourage closer attention to and reflection on your own work practices.

  • Photograph a permanent or temporary workspace you use either alone or with a group. The image should be captured mid-activity (not when everything is cleaned up and put away).
  • Post directly to our Flickr pool – or (for those of you who don’t wish to create or use your Yahoo, Facebook or Google account to login – e-mail to Stuart:
  • In the caption section describe the activity underway and explain the tools that are being used in this photo and how they are being used. In particular refer to any paper as well as screen-based technologies and any other tools and how they are supporting the activity depicted in the image.
  • Completing this mini-assignment contributes to your class participation grade.

Flickr Mini-Assignment #1

Flickr Mini-Assignment #1: Thinking about Actor-Network Theory – due Tuesday Feb. 12th

Photograph an artifact/entity (human or non-human) that is not in use in the way we typically expect (either broken or enrolled in an uncommon or counter-intuitive way).

Post directly to our Flickr pool or (for those of you who don’t wish to create or use your Yahoo, Facebook or Google account to login – e-mail to Stuart:

In the caption section answer one of these questions:

What (missing) entities must it be enrolled with to make it what it more typically is?

How is it enrolled in this particular case to make it what it isn’t?

Completing this mini-assignment contributes to your class participation grade.