Exemplary Examples from Assignment 1

Here are a few (anonymized) answers from assignment 1 that received a perfect score.

answer for question 1 – using Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers) and Fischer’s User Heuristic approach

another answer for question 1 – using Actor-Network Theory (Latour) and Fischer’s User Heuristic approach (with brief mention of Bijker/SCOT)

answer for question 2 – using Social Construction of Technology (Bijker) and Actor-Network Theory (Latour)

answer for question 3 – using Fischer’s user heuristic approach and Social Construction of Technology (Bijker)

Meditrol and Tricorders: A tale of two medical innovations

By: Raymon, Sasaki, and Morgan

As healthcare becomes more information-centric, technology and medicine start to converge. “IT, Gender, and Professional Practice” illustrates an example of using technology to streamline practice and make workflows more efficient and outcomes more accurate. However, the technology was imposed on major stakeholders, such as nurses and pharmacists, without their inputs for its design. Without an insight into their nuanced workflows, the system failed to adapt to the flexibility of nurses’ and pharmacists’ processes and instead forced them to conform to arbitrary standards.

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Preparation for Assignment 2, Flickr Mini-Assignment #2, due Thursday Mar. 7

Diary Exercise – log your own work practices and your use of paper (and other tools) vs. digital technology. Keep this log for at least 1-2 days. You will reference this diary in the second assignment, but it does not need to be turned in.

A log sheet is available: [docx] [pdf].

Flickr Mini-Assignment #2: How Exactly Do We Work? – the purpose of this mini-assignment is to encourage closer attention to and reflection on your own work practices.

  • Photograph a permanent or temporary workspace you use either alone or with a group. The image should be captured mid-activity (not when everything is cleaned up and put away).
  • Post directly to our Flickr pool – or (for those of you who don’t wish to create or use your Yahoo, Facebook or Google account to login – e-mail to Stuart: sgeiger@gmail.com)
  • In the caption section describe the activity underway and explain the tools that are being used in this photo and how they are being used. In particular refer to any paper as well as screen-based technologies and any other tools and how they are supporting the activity depicted in the image.
  • Completing this mini-assignment contributes to your class participation grade.

The myth of the tele-less office

Divya Karthikeyan, Shaohan Chen and Wendy Xue

The recent decision of Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, who banned Yahoo employees from telecommuting to work, has stirred up a lot of debates. In an internal memo from Yahoo released on the blog post on All Things D , Yahoo executives argued, “Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home.” Their remedy reads, “We need to be one Yahoo!, and that starts with physically being together”(I). Many people posted their comments online once the news broke out on various website. Most hold negative opinions on such a decision. Some complained that banning telecommuting would hurt employees’ productivity. Some argued forcing people to be in office was a management style too out of date. Some saw this action as a morale killer. But we believe the impact of banning telecommuting from work practice has far reaching impacts on the organization than causing many employees to be grumpy. Like one of the commenters said about Yahoo’s decision, “the year is 2013, not 1980” (II). Telecommuting has grown to be a part of normal work practice especially in the software industry. It is a practice so ubiquitous in the industry that people think more of it as a right instead of a privilege. Moreover, it allows work to be distributed regardless of locations.