I've tried many news feed applications in the past years, but I usually stick with Google Reader for the convenience and consistency, since I use Google everything. But I heard some whispers about the app Feedly, and I saw this Lifehacker post about its recent upgrade, so I decided to check it out and analyze the way it organizes its news articles.
As the President Obama won the 2008's election by tapping into social media and analyzing social data, experts emphasize analytics of big data in the coming presidential election. During the 08's election, the Obama team dived into various online social channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, and collected user data to develop online campaign strategy. The result proved the effectiveness of the data efforts.
1.)News Summary
LG launched new information organizing app. The 3D newsfeed enable users to see their Facebook newsfeed in 3D view. The app works with various elements of the newsfeed, including how posts are displayed, navigation, depth, movement, colors, 'likes' and content representation.
It’s March 1st and you’re looking at your calendar. You start to panic, not because midterms are looming, but because you have not made any plans for spring break. The possibilities are endless, and with the Internet at your fingertips you start thinking of ideas: San Diego, Cancun, Vancouver, Sydney? You quickly realize, however, that planning travel online is extremely challenging. There are literally thousands of sites with hotel information, trip ideas, and deals.
Everyone talks about the possibilities of exploiting the goldmine of personal information that Facebook has collected over the years. Many mobile and web apps dig into the pool of their users' information, but Wolfram Alpha's new Facebook Report function, as briefly explained in CNN Tech's article.
The term “surveillance society” was coined in 1985 by sociologist Gary Marx, who defined it as “all-encompassing use of computer surveillance technology in modern society for total social control”. Given that there are now security cameras in every store, office, bus, train, intersection, and ATM, it is clear that the first half of his definition is now reality. As city dwellers, we are captured on dozens, maybe even hundreds, of security cameras per day… and we don’t care.
A thoughtfully designed dashboard is an exceptional tool for keeping pulse on business performance, but a poorly designed conglomerate of charts and tables can be a distraction. The article “3 reasons to hate BI dashboards” by Joe McKendrick posted on the business technology news website ZDNet criticizes the current state of corporate dashboards for being poorly organized, not actionable, and not much more useful than they were 20 years ago even with technological advances.