
Clippy Must Die

In the Intro to IR & NLP lecture, Bob mentioned Microsoft Office's old friend Clippy--which reminded me of this clip from NPR's
Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me. The best part is the last minute.

The Science of Sarcasm

Last year, a group of computer scientists from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed an algorithm that detects online sarcasm. The “semi-supervised sarcasm identification algorithm," or SASI, achieved 77% precision in recognizing sarcasm in Tweets and Amazon product reviews--a discovery which has positive implications for the semantic web.

Power Laws: What do the Top 100 Visited Sites of the Internet Reveal?

In his thesis “Through the Google Goggles: Sociopolitical Bias in Search Engine Design”, Alejandro M. Diaz’s writes:

Digital Merit Badges: Recognition for 21st Century Skills

Digital badges are icons that individuals can display on their website, blog, or social media profile to get recognition for informal and formal learning outside of school. Mozilla's Open Badges Project, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, seeks to develop a common standard or protocol for the badges so they will work across the Web in various platforms. In addition, MacArthur has started a “Badges for Lifelong Learning” competition to develop sets of badges.

nice details on search UI

In "Search User Interfaces", Hearst suggested the guideline of "Suggest the Search Action in the Entry Form", which is intended to "reduce short-term memory load" by providing the user suggestions in the search UI. In Hearst's article an example of a search box with greyed-out text that read "Search My Saved Pages" was given. 

Marketing “Trumps” Organization in Floor Numbering of Buildings

When one thinks of floors inside of a building, a simple numbering system seems fairly obvious. Organizing and labeling floors by number satisfies the reasonable objective of helping people quickly understand the physical and vertical relationships between each story. In reality, while most buildings follow this generic organizing system, confusing oddities can quickly emerge.

An Annual Report on One Man's Life - The Feltron Annual Report

In the 2009 Feltron Annual Report, Nicholas Felton presented meet up experiences between himself and others from family to friends, or random acquaintances in the format of infographics. 

The Importance of Community Voices in Metadata Creation

Archive Rwanda, a digital archive now available to the public,
documents the 1994 murders of millions of Rwandans.
out of the collaboration between the Kigali Genocide Memorial, Aegis
Trust, Rwanda's National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide
and the Human Rights Documentation Initiative (HRDI) at the

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