
Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking, also referred to as social book marketing, is a way for internet users to manage, share, and store useful resources they have found online. Instead of saving sites to a local computer, social bookmarking sites allow users to save their favorite bookmarks online, giving them the ability to access them anywhere, at any time. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.

The advantage of the social bookmarking method is innovative for both businesses and consumers.

Giving the Internet Senses

The reading about the Japanese farmer who utilized sensors to gain farm intelligence got me thinking about how web-connected sensors have the potential to transform the Internet and ou

Photovine gets released, competing with Instagram on iOS

Google has released a new Photo Sharing app on iOS devices named Photovine in July. This application is one of many photo sharing applications now already exists on iOS and Android devices, such as Instagram and Piictu.

Some say Photovine is Instagram+Piictu. Photovine loses the functionality of filtering pictures like Instagrams offers, yet picks up the feature of grouping photos into theme from Piictu. 

Patent Reform: what do we need?

Our patent system is one of the more convoluted organizing systems that our federal government employs. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is in charge of organizing and approving new inventions (and associated rights).