The reading about the Japanese farmer who utilized sensors to gain farm intelligence got me thinking about how web-connected sensors have the potential to transform the Internet and our lives. In an Oct 2010 article, Peter Hartwell of HP predicted that the next wave of innovation on the Internet will involve sensors that, “monitor our environment and deliver relevant information –- automatically”. This differs from the current version of the Internet which is, for the most part, manually generated.
It is possible to envision countless applications that feed real-time sensory data into the Internet and return it to end users in the form of useful information. For example, smelling sensors could be used in a food processing facility to detect contaminants. Sensor data could be fed into a system that triggers communication to a manager regarding a potential food safety hazard. Other smelling sensors could send breath data to the Internet to be cross referenced against potential cancer causing gases.
This article is relevant to i202 because it predicts a future where sensors play a much greater role in information systems deployment.