
Recipelabs: Searching or Organizing?

Not quite from a mainstream news
source, but I recently came across a fun webapp on reddit called . While I consider it far from a proper product, it employs some
really interesting techniques for organization and retrieval.

Why Kids Can't Search

According to a recent Wired magazine article, reporter Clive Thompson speculate why high schoolers and college students are inept at searching on Google, despite the website's sophisticated PageRank algorithm. Frances Harris, a librarian at the University Laboratory High School in Urbana, Illinois, educates eighth and ninth graders in how to format nuanced queries in Boolean logic, much like what we had covered in recent lectures. She also teaches them to analyze the tone of a web page to judge whether it was created by a credible source.

Does Google Make Us Stupid?

Several recent articles have talked about the effects Google has on our thinking. As we talk about IR, we should consider the impact the systems we design might have on the way people think.

Power Laws: What do the Top 100 Visited Sites of the Internet Reveal?

In his thesis “Through the Google Goggles: Sociopolitical Bias in Search Engine Design”, Alejandro M. Diaz’s writes:
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