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Week 1:
Jan 20
Jan 22
Week 2:
Jan 27

Projects Review 1: ORG, Zooke (slides .ppt)

Project Milestone 1 (.pdf)

Jan 29

Project Review 2: Action, Section, ACAL (slides .ppt)

Week 3:
Feb 3

Finding related work (slides.ppt), Design session I

Project Milestone 2 (.pdf)

Feb 5
Design session II
Week 4:
Feb 10
Feb 12

Production plan review (slides.ppt)

Project Milestone 4 (.pdf)

Week 5:
Feb 17

Related work session (slides .ppt)

1. Burns, C., Dishman, E., Verplank, W. and Lassiter, B., Actors, hairdos & videotape-informance design. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI1994), (New York, New York, 1994), ACM Press, 119-120.

2. Buchenau, M. and Suri, J.F., Experience prototyping. In Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques (DIS2000), (New York, New York, 2000), ACM Press, 424-433.

3. Iacucci, G., Iacucci, C. and Kuutti, K., Imagining and experiencing in design, the role of performances. In Second Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (Aarhus, Denmark, 2002), ACM Press, 167-176.

4. Simsarian, K.T., Take it to the next stage: the roles of role playing in the design process. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2003), (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2003), ACM Press, 1012-1013.

5. Hutchinson, H., Hansen, H., Roussel, N., Eiderbäck, B., Mackay, W., Westerlund, B., Bederson, B.B., Druin, A., Plaisant, C., Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Conversy, S. and Evans, H., Technology probes: inspiring design for and with families. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2003), (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2003), ACM Press, 17-24.

Feb 19

Redesign presentation - ACAL

Zooke design session

Week 6:
Feb 24
(No class)
Feb 26

Zooke design session
ACAL production plan presentation
ACAL related work session. Readings:

1. DiGiano, Chris and Mike Eisenberg. Self Disclosing design tools: A gentle introduction to end-user programming. In the proceedings of the Symposium for Designing Interactive Systems. (DIS95) 1995.

2. Borchers, Jan O. A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Designing Insteractive Systems (DIS2000), (New York, NY, August 16-19 2000), ACM Press, 369-378.

Week 7:
Mar 2

Related work sessions - Org, Zooke


1. Ahn, Luis von and Laura Dabbish. Labeling Images with a Computer game. Forthcoming in CHI2004 (Vienna, Austria)

2. The Go Game


1. Defining Faceted Classification

2. Conventional Categorization

3. Hearst, Marti, Kevin Li, Kirsten Swearingen, Ka-Ping Yee. “Faceted Metadata for Image Search and Browsing.” In the Proceedings of the ACM (CHI 2003).

4. Karger, David R. and Dennis Quan. Prerequisities for a Personalizable User Interface.

Mar 4

Related work sessions - Action, Section


1. RDF Primer

2. Broughton, V. (2002). "Faceted Classification as a Basis for Knowledge Organization in a Digital Environment: the Bliss Bibliographic Classification as a Model for Vocabulary Management and the Creation of Multidimensional Knowledge Structures." The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 7(1): 67-102.


1. Manovich, Lev. “Database as a Symbolic Form.” The Language of New Media, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.

2. Huhtamo, Erkki. “Web Stalker Seek Aaron” in Hatje Cantz Ed. CODE: The Language of Our Time (Linz: Ars Electronica, 2003) 110-118.

3. Manovich, Lev. "SoftCinema." Karlsruhe: ZKM | Center for Art and Media, 2002-03.

Week 8:
Mar 9

Action design session

Lagoze, Carl and Jane HUnter. "The ABC Ontology and Model." Journal of Digital Information. Vol 2(2).

Mar 11
Ontology modelling, cont. ACAL design session prelim work.
Week 9:
Mar 16

Org design session


Mar 18

ACAL design session
Week 10:
Mar 23
Spring break

Mar 25

Spring break
Week 11:
Mar 30
Zooke crit session

Apr 1


Metadata Handling in Home Videos, Mohan Kankanhalli, SIMS visiting scholar

A significant component of the DIVA (Digital Image and Video Album) project at the National University of Singapore focuses its effort on the problem of handling home videos by aiming to develop the next generation digital video album. This talk will first provide a very brief overview of the project. Then it will focus on the problem of handling metadata in home videos.
XML is slowly becoming the standard mechanism for describing video metadata. This talk presents XML document transformation techniques to reflect video editing operations (like cut and paste of video excerpts) on the video metadata. Our proposal is based on the definition of two operations that correspond to merge and split of XML documents. These operations provide a framework for the definition of each actual merge and split of XML documents, and support conflict resolution and regularization techniques to ensure that the generated documents conform to the original underlying XML schema of its source documents.

Madhwacharyula, Chitra L., Mohan S. Kankanhalli, and Phillipe Mulhem. "Content Based Editing of Semantic Video Metadata." ICME: 2004.

Week 12:
Apr 6
ACAL crit session; Production planning revision

Apr 8

ORG crit session
Week 13:
Apr 13
Section design session

Apr 15

Action crit session
Week 14:
Apr 20
Section crit session

Apr 22

Week 15:
Apr 27
CHI (Marc out, TBD)

Apr 29

CHI (Marc out, TBD)
Week 16:
May 4

May 6

Presentation dry run
Week 17:
May 11
3:30 - 6:30 pm
Final Project Presentations


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