
L4R1. Tim Brown, "Design Thinking", Harvard Business Review, June 2008

 Guide Questions

  • What is the process to design thinking?
  • What are the characteristics of persons who practice design thinking?
  • How is design thinking relevant to the design and development of service systems?

L4R2. Susan Meyer Goldstein et al, "The Service Concept: The Missing Link in Service Design Research?", Journal of Operations Management, 2002

Guide Questions

  • What are the four dimensions of the service concept?
  • What is the relationship between the service concept and the design of service systems?
  • How is the service concept used in the design of recovery systems? 

L4R3. Chris Voss & Leonieke Zomerdijk, "Innovation in Experiential Services", London Business School and AIM Research, June 2007

Start reading at p.112, Section 4.3, "The Process of Innovation".  We'll read pages 97-111 in a few weeks.


Guide Questions

  • What are the methodologies employed by firms in the design of services?
  • In what aspects of service delivery does service innovation play a strategic role?
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