Input / Output Coincidence Lab Assignment
For this lab, I designed a drink coaster that reacts to the amount of weight resting on top of it. When a full glass of beer (for example) is set on top of the coaster, it emits a calm light. As the weight of the glass lessens during the course of drinking the beer, the light gradually increases in intensity. When the beer is empty, the coaster begins to blink.
1 x Arduino Uno
1 x Breadboard
1 x 10kohm resistor
1 x Bright white 3 LED strip
1 x FSR
I decided to use this opportunity to create something that I have always imagined (though not the most imaginative object). There is an already existing metal hook that women use to hang their handbags from the edge of the table. They are often decorated with a large plastic gem on top. This hook is the solution to the problem of setting one's bag on the table or floor, but I always wondered if a really clever thief could somehow manage to steal the bag from the hook.
I built a small doo-dad that converts utilizes tension to input a value via the FSR with the intention of bringing to life a toy/cardboard airplane with lights and sound when twirled. For practical reasons I had to abandon the idea but the mechanism remained so I made what looks like nothing in the photo but does a tiny something. The box, constructed of cardboard and duct tape (the most useful materials in the world), when tugged on from both ends generates a tone depending on how taught the threads are.
In this lab, a tiger toy made out of paper and cardboard was created. When one attempts to sneak up on the tiger from behind it, a photocell embedded in the back of the tiger will sense a decrease in light. This will trigger the piezo speaker that is attached to the tiger to play the "Eye of the Tiger" melody, and a green LED in the tiger's eye will blink to the tune of the music. As an extra bonus, if the light level is decreased to an especially low level, the song that is triggered will change to the "Billionaire" melody.
In this assignment I created a ’tempo-tuner’, which speeds up the tempo of the original Super Mario Theme Song. Here I use the potentiometer to speed up the tempo of the song. The song is is adjusted from slow to fast tempo, and the values in between.
For this assignment I made a small instrument. You can make a sound by tapping or pressing on the force sensor, and you can continuously change the pitch with the potentiometer.
- Resistor x1
- Force Sensitive Resistor x1
- Piezo Buzzer x1
- Arduino x1
- Breadboard x1
- Jumper wires
- Input: Opacity of Tea in glass
- Output: Melody corresponding to opacity of each tea
The Annoying Ball is extremely intrusive and annoying, due to the sound and the rapid blinking. It forces users to turn it off, to get relief of the terror. The idea is, that it can be used as a tool when professional athletes has to do physical training. You could have ten annoying balls distributed in a room, and then the athletes would be forced to hunt down and turn of the annoying ball.
I made a mini-violin using piezo speaker, potentiometer, and three photocells. The program has two modes of play: manual mode and assisted mode. In the manual mode, the user's fingerings of binary combinations (0 to 7) on the three photocells make different pitches of the sound. In assisted mode, a processing code decides pitches of the sound based on a musical piece. The program has pitch data of parsed MIDI file so that it sequentially output the value according to the user's input.
My goal was to use a photocell to sense when a person would open up a birthday card. When the photocell senses light it plays the piezo buzzer. I spent hours trying to figure out how to pause the song when a person closes the card again but I could not get it to work. Instead, if you close the card the buzzer will keep playing until that round is over.
-piezo buzzer