Our goal with this project is to create a device that can improve the experience for someone who is confined to a bed. The experience of being confined to a bed is frustrating for people and forces changes upon their lives. They experience a more limited lifestyle and may miss the connection with the world around them and those they love.
With this design we want patients in a hospital to be able to feel connected to their loved ones. By viewing messages on the ceiling, they can remember those who love them and are wishing them well.
Speed dating events are becoming popular all over the world. Not only do they provide a chance to find love, but they are also great for breaking the ice helping in turn in socializing and making new friends, and they can be very fun, too.
For our project we intend to utilize fitness data people have on their smartphones or fitness devices, aggregate the data on a community level and then visualize them on a high resolution display of dynamic natural environments.