About the Project

>> Proposal

Comparative Analysis 

Audience Assessment



Executive Summary


Mohammed Shamma

Rick Murtha

Jennifer Lee

Universal Locator
Mission statement 
The goal of this project is to introduce a different interface and scope to "locator" Web sites with the idea that it will enhance the usability of such sites. "Locator" web sites, whether they be for ATM's, hotels, restaurants, movie theaters, etc., seem to cater only to very specific audiences. In other words a bank may host a locator site strictly for its ATM's or a site like "sidewalk.com" may provide locator services for theaters and restaurants only. A universal locator Web site would behave similar to mapping Web sites (i.e. Yahoo maps) and locator sites like the ones mentioned above, but would be "universal" (to some extent) in what it locates or plots on a map. In addition to that users would be able to browse addresses of commercial areas in much the same way one can browse through call numbers in a library's on-line catalog. Or perhaps one could query the service to have it locate an ATM or bank next to a video store and cleaners in order to perhaps plan their trip better. Ideally if a user comes across a business that has it's own Web site then the locator site would provide a link for it.
Business Case 
The modifications that will be made to traditional mapping and "locator" Web sites by this project will have some market potential. Marketing will be a huge business case because by giving the user a set of categories from which they can choose and search from "audiences" that can be targeted will be created. Advertising banners can be posted depending on the user’s queries. In addition to advertising the system could be designed to easily integrate with other business systems, such as Fed. Ex (package locator), bank ATM locators and movie locators, which would give the developers the opportunities to establish themselves as a third party locator service for businesses on the Web. In addition to these opportunities there may also be some potential for incorporating personalization within the application so that users can store their preferences and run them across different geographic regions.
The goal of this project is to develop a working prototype. The scope will be quite small. The spatial data and address listing stored within the database will cover perhaps a small commercial sector of a small town (i.e. Berkeley). In addition to that this application will not be design to be deployed publicly. The estimated user base for the project may range from 1-10 users max on the system. However this does not mean that this application could not go public without a few slight modifications.
Key Users 
The user who is perhaps planning a trip to a city they've never been to could theoretically search streets for a hotel that offers on-line reservations. Essentially this service combines the yellow pages, key maps, entertainment guides, and travel guides all into one. In addition to that, if and when a user comes across the physical location of a business they will also come across its Web site also.
The technology for the prototype will be a standard Web application operating from a database back-end. This will consist of a Web client-server architecture, a database, database-gateway and perhaps some Java applets running on the client to facilitate in the application user interface. 
Team Member Roles 
This project will involve working with spatial data and address listings, database application design and implementation, Web-database application design, and Web user interface design. In addition to application design there will also be some amount of Web content development as well.


Last Updated: October 25, 1998