
L11R4. L. Cherbakov et al, "Changing the Corporate IT Development Model: Tapping the Power of Grassroots Computing", IBM Systems Journal, 2007

Guide Questions:

  • How does the growth of service-oriented architecture relate to the development of situational applications?
  • How does the growth in situational applications relate to the changing role of IT in the corporation?
  • How does this growth relate to software / systems development in general?

L11R3. Sean McGrath & Murray, "Principles of Service Oriented Integration", 2003

Guide Questions:

  • What is the importance of service-oriented integration?
  • What is the approach used in service-oriented integration?

L11R2. Robert J. Glushko & Tim McGrath, Chapter 1, "Document Engineering", MIT Press, 2005

Read pp. 17-26

Guide Questions:

  • How is the exchange of documents relevant to service systems?
  • How do you ensure the successful exchange of documents?
  • What advances in standards or in technology are helpful in ensuring this success?

L11R1. L. Cherbakov et al, "Impact of Service Orientation at the Business Level", IBM Systems Journal, 2005

Guide Questions:

  • What is componentization?
  • How does it relate to service design?
  • How does this affect the role of the IT organization?
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