Managing Web Bookmarks
and Browser History Files in One Interface
Pilot User Test | |||||||||||||
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1. IntroductionAfter conducting an hueristic evaluation of our initial interactive prototype, we decided to redesign the user interface using Java. This study explains how we conducted user testing on the new user interface. In this study we hoped to find which features users liked and/or disliked. In addition to that we hope to pinpoint further any usability problems that need to be addressed with the system. Like the testing conducted with our low-fi prototype we had the users perform the same scenarios. Our evaluation of these scenarios was more critical this time, thus we attempted to measure varables such as error frequency and task completion time. Finally we conducted a follow-up survey with the users allowing them to rate the interface which we hope will give us further feedback on the usability of the Webmarking system.2. MethodParticipantsWe
have selected test users who have basic knowledge of web browsing and knows
the concept of bookmarking. All of our test users use web barowsers everyday
and have good exeprience with the bookmark function of the browser. They
also create folders to organize their bookmarks. The history function is
not very popular among the test uers. The following table shows the test
users' answers to the demographic questions.
Apparatus User tests are conducted using the NT machine in the SIMS lab. The NT machine runs Exceed to access the UNIX server to run the the application coded by Java. Tasks We are using the same scenarios from the previous tests. They are repeated in the following; A
You would like to view your history files using the "Map" view in Webmarking. The "Map" view allows you to view your history files (pages you've visited) in a graphical format showing not only the pages you've visited but which pages you visited them from as well. In this case, you would like to view all the pages that you visited from The New York Times home page.
Webmarking allows users to conduct searches over their history and bookmark files while also offering them a navigational interface to facilitate browsing where searching is simply insufficient. In this scenario you would like to perform a search to find the page from The New York Times that you visited last week. The problem, however, is that you are not sure when last week. You are certain that it was not Friday nor was it Wednesday. You decide that the best way to find this page is by having the search results displayed in the "Calendar" view so that you can go to last week's files and see for yourself when it was.
3. Test MeasuresThe primary reason for performing the pilot study of our interface is to determine how intuitive, fast and easy the system is to use. Each scenario explores different parts of the interface, which means that the particularly interesting observations vary for each scenario. On a general basis, the number of errors and the task completion time are, for obvious reasons, interesting measurements throughout the test. Finally, the follow-up interview tries to determine the users' preferences.Scenario A tests the general interface, measuring how effectively common tasks such as creating bookmarks and moving them around are supported. To create a useful system, it is extremely important that the users have no difficulties in performing their most common tasks. Consequently, the task time and number of errors measured in this part are of particular importance. Scenario B examines the usefulness of the Map View. The most significant observations here are to which extent the users understand the 'Map' concept, and whether or not they are able to effectively navigate through the Map interface. As the Map View is as of yet less than perfectly implemented (due to time constraints), it is probable that the users will encounter certain difficulties in its use. Still, we believe that the users' input will give us an indication of how to improve this part of the system. Scenario C gives us an evaluation of the Calendar View. As with the previous scenario, the most important observations are the users' understanding of the concept and the navigation of the interface. In addition, we examine how useful the users find our Search feature - this is another feature that will probably see rather extensive use, and it is therefore important that it runs as smoothly as possible. 4. ResultsSince each scenario in this user study was designed to test certain features of the user interface, we decided to measure the number of user errors per scenario and relative task completion time as response variables. The number of errors was measured by counting the number of times a user selects an incorrect menu item, icon, etc. or when they must ask a question as to how they should complete a certain task. The completion time per task in each scenario was measured rather liberally. We simply assigned three values for this variable: quick, moderate and long. Given the intended differences in each scenario we feel that measuring these variables will provide us with some meaningful results about the usability of the Webmarking interface. For the detailed results, please refer to "Test Measure Results" in the Appendix.The purpose of Scenario A was to test the Webmarking interface against simple and common user tasks. Naturally, it is critical in this scenario that users perform these tasks in the least amount of time with the least amount of errors. In this scenario 2 out of 3 users performed the tasks without any errors at all and one user made two errors. Scenario A consisted of four main tasks in which users successively progressed in task completion time. The first three tasks show that users were divided across quick and moderate, with the exception for one long value in the first task. Finally, all three users performed the last task, moving files to the new folder, in a relatively quick amount of time. The purpose of Scenario B was to test the intuitiveness and usefulness of Webmarking's Map view. The number of error results seem to be rather skewed for this scenario: 1/3 made no errors, 1/3 made two errors and 1/3 made one error when performing the Map view tasks. Again, like the number of errors, the first task completion times for this scenario show that each user had either a quick (1/3), moderate (1/3) or long (1/3) completion time. However, unlike Scenario A, user gradually had a more difficult time in completing the tasks. Response time increased gradually to the point that all users performed the last task, find a particular page in the map, in a rather long time. The purpose of Scenario C was to test the effectiveness of the Calendar view in searching and retrieving history records. The number of errors in this scenario was equal to those in the first scenario; 2/3 had no errors and 1/3 committed two errors. None of the users took a long time in completing the tasks for Scenario C. In fact tasks were completed in a relatively quick amount of time. This excludes the second task in this scenario in which all users required a moderate amount of time for completion. Nonetheless, the task completion time results seem to have leveled off in Scenario C. After performing the scenarios the users answered a follow-up survey about their impressions of the Webmarking user interface. Based on the survey results (for details see "Follow-up Survey Results" in the Appendix) 2/3 felt the interface was relatively easy. 2/3 rated the intuitiveness of the icons a 4 out of 5 (5 being very intuitive). In general a majority (2 out of 3) of the users felt that the features provided by the Wemarking interface, however, the Map View seemed to result in the lowest average score. It was not rated as high as the other features. And finally, all of the users liked the fact that search results could be viewed in either the map, calendar and tree views. 5. DiscussionIn this section we attempt to draw some conclusions from the pilot user study. We do here assume that the results from this study are - in general - representative for a typical user of our system.The general interface seemed to function adequately - most tasks were easily and quickly completed. One of the issues that did arise was the lack of redundancy in our interface widgets - it should be possible to initiate a certain function in several ways (pull-down menu, icon, keyboard shortcut etc.). Some testers seemed to immediately jump to the pull-down menus when looking for a function, while others started by browsing the menu bar for appropriate icons. Preferably, both kinds of users should be able to find the required function through their widget of choice. Similarly, keyboard shortcuts should be available, as power users sometimes tire of the 'slow, inefficient' icons and menus. Another issue is the extent to which dialog boxes should be utilized. One test user indicated that a dialog box should appear when she clicked 'New Bookmark', prompting for a title and a description. Others, though, preferred the current interface (with no dialog box); they would rather set the title and description at a later point than be bothered with a dialog box every time they added a bookmark. Obviously, it should be possible to set the personal preferences to enable or disable such dialog boxes - still, however, most users would probably go with whatever is the system's default choice. As the pilot test is inconclusive, only a broader study would be able to tell us which way to go in this matter. As we might have expected, the users found our 'Map View' to be somewhat confusing (as the follow-up questionnaire reveals, it was their least favorite feature). First of all, they found it rather difficult to navigate, even though we only have a minimum of icons to navigate through (<10, as compared to a more realistic >100). We do believe that this is largely due to the limitations of our prototype - designing a functional and aesthetic Map View has proven to be quite complicated and time-consuming. Still, part of the blame must be given to the fact that the icons clearly do not display enough information about their underlying Web pages. Obviously, this problem will need to be addressed. Beyond the navigation difficulties, some users also had problems with understanding the basic concept behind the Map View. Arguing that "the way people navigate the web is not really sequential", they wonder how the system will interpret people moving back and forth between Web pages, or 'teleporting' to a page using a bookmark instead of a in-page link. Though we believe our Map system has no conceptual flaws of this kind (jumping back and forth is no problem as the system will always link a new page from the referring page; 'unrelated' pages will simply show up as root nodes in the map), it is clear that our testers found it confusing. We think this problem is to some extent related to the navigation problem - if the users were able to grasp the navigation of the Map View more firmly, we believe they would also get a better understanding of the way this feature works behind the scenes. For a real user test, we would have to improve the Map View functionality by displaying more information and providing more obvious links between the icons. Provided that our hypothesis is a correct one, we would then see a broader understanding of this feature among our users. Finally, our Calendar View was arguably our most popular feature. The main problem with this function was the navigation between month, week and day view - our current prototype cheats by automatically zooming in on the correct week or day. Clearly, we need a way of letting the users themselves specify which week or day to zoom to. Also, we lack a feature for navigating between months (usually, a history file will be deleted well before a month has passed, but for completeness' sake month-to-month navigation should still be possible). 6. Formal Experiment DesignThe current Webmarking interface displays bookmarks and history files in a shared window. We would like using separate windows would be more efficient and intuitive to the user. Using two windows would make it possible to display two independent views at once. Presenting bookmarks and history as two separate data sources might fit the user's mental model than the current interface, and properties particular to either bookmarks or history could easier be displayed.Hypotheses We believe
the best way to exploit the properties common to both bookmark and history
files is to display all results and information using one window. This
approach makes it possible to use bookmarks and history as one large body
of uniform data. The one window interface will make the application more
efficient, as a larger part of the workload involved in combining the
sources can be done by the application instead of the user. Independent variables The experiment
would involve changing how distinct the interface should present bookmarks
and history files. The current design presents bookmarks and history uniformly,
alternative interfaces would present the two types of data with
a varying degree of independence. Using only two levels, a one-window
and a two-window interface, would probably provide most of the information
needed to test the hypothesis. Response variables Webmarking
is meant as a tool for locating information. Hence, what's important is
how efficient the users are able to locate whatever they're looking for.
The most important response variable would be the time it takes to find
a specific web page. Other would include how fast the user learns to use
the interface or simply the degree of satisfaction involved. Blocking and Repetitions We would have all test users test both the current interface and a two-window interface. Several tasks would be performed using each interface, to ensure that we test as many aspects of the interface as possible. The users would perform similar tasks using both interfaces, but to avoid users remembering how to do a task from testing the other interface, the tasks should not be identical. Similarly, we would use data sources that are slightly different from one interface to another. Fifty percent of the users should test the current interface first, the other half the two-window interface. 7. Appendices |
task analysis | |||||||||||||
low-fi prototyping | |||||||||||||
prototype #1 |
prototype #2 |
pilot user test | |||||||||||||
prototype #3 |
updated: 04/27/99 |