
The Michelin Guide - A 1900's French System of Organizing the Best Restaurants

The Michelin guide is the most haughty-tauty of all the restaurant ranking systems.  It is headquartered in Paris, France and has been the platinum standard of fine dining since the very early 1900s. 

Our very own local Berkeley establishment, Chez Panisse, lost its single star this year.

Beginning of the end for XML?


Twitter has gone JSON only for one of its APIs. And the blogosphere is buzz with activity that this is the start of transition for Twitter to go JSON only from XML/JSON. 

Google Social Search Screws Up

 Info 202 Blog Post 1, "Google Social Search Screws Up"
Walter Koning

Google Social Search launched near the close of 2009.  Since then the features have been refined but one feature is causing grief for users.

Wolfram Alpha does a good job of finding data, if you know how to ask for it

Wolfram Alpha is a new search engine that launched in May that is geared toward an educated audience looking just for data. Instead of providing a list of links like Google or another search engine, WA returns just the data and relevant graphs. The system's strengths are real-time calculations, powerful algorithms that search the web, and curated data sets.

Solving the Identity Crisis for Billions

Proving identity in India can sometime result in frustrating experience. If you go to Bank for opening an account, they will ask for Permanent Account Number (PAN) card issued by finance ministry of India. If you hail from low income group and want to take advantage of subsidized food provided by the government then they will ask for ration card. If you want to exercise your right as a citizen of India during various elections then they will ask for voter ID card. Furthermore, all these proof documents are not linked with each other.

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