Beginning of the end for XML?

Twitter has gone JSON only for one of its APIs. And the blogosphere is buzz with activity that this is the start of transition for Twitter to go JSON only from XML/JSON. 

There has been a debate going on about JSON v/s XML for a long time and it seems that JSON has been slowly making its way as the de-facto standard for data serialization over the Internet. Almost all platform APIs nowadays support JSON and till a few years ago almost all supported XML but the simplicity of JSON seems to be winning favors with the developers. 

If Twitter goes JSON only that would be the ultimate stamp of approval for JSON and since Twitter is one of the most popular user content APIs available to the developers, many web apps will follow suite and become JSON only. If that happens, XML might just become the thing of the past, atleast on the dynamic web.

I have a feeling that it's a matter of WHEN rather than IF.