January 22: Introduction to Document Engineering for E-business
Required Readings:
A course has to start somewhere. "Accelerating RosettaNet" is a 3-page news story that touches many of the dimensions of Document Engineering. By the end of the semester every nuance in this tightly-written article will make perfect sense.
- Burgert. Accelerating RosettaNet. E-Commerce World, November 1, 2001. http://www.ecomworld.com/global/includes/content/print.cfm?contentID=2065
- Glushko & McGrath. Document Engineering for E-business (2002). Chapter 1. LOCAL COPY
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 1-13.
Recommended Readings:
- Bosak & Bray. XML and the Second-Generation Web. Scientific American, May 1999. http://www.sciam.com/1999/0599issue/0599bosak.html
January 24: Introduction to E-business (Part 1)
Required Readings:
Line56 (www.line.56.com) reports on "The Business of E-Business" and is an excellent source for industry news and analysis. (Its obscure name is a roundabout pun from Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1, Line 56: "To be, or not to be..."). The charts or "maps" of the "e-Business Ecosystem" depict the "architecture of the extended enterprise" to illustrate business relationships and strategies along with their enabling technologies and information flows.
- Line56. E-business Ecosystem. October 2001. http://www.line56.com/articles/ebiz_ecosys_index.asp LOCAL COPY
- Federal Trade Commission. Entering the 21st Century: Competition Policy in the World of B2B Electronic Marketplaces. Part 1: Overview of B2B Electronic Marketplaces. http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/10/part1.pdf
- University of Iowa Internet Lab. Supply Chain Design: Background. http://www.iil.ecn.uiowa.edu/internetlab/supply.htm
- Kraemer, Dedrick, & Yamahiro. Refining and Extending the Business Model with Information Technology: Dell Computer Corporation. The Information Society, 16, pages 5-21 (skim after page 14). http://www.slis.indiana.edu/TIS/abstracts/ab16-1/kraemer.html LOCAL COPY
- Helper & MacDuffie. The Evolution of B2B: Lessons from the Auto Industry. Knowledge@Wharton, Nov-Dec 2001. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/articles.cfm?catid=14&articleid=466&homepage=yes
- Penn State Center for Supply Chain Research. The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains. (2-page summary of Lee, Padmanabhan, & Whang. Sloan Management Review, Spring 1997, pages 93-102). http://www.smeal.psu.edu/cscr/bullwhip.html
Recommended Readings:
- Line56. Extended Supply Chain. November 2001. http://www.line56.com/articles/ebiz_ecosys_index.asp LOCAL COPY
- Line56. Intelligent Demand Chain. December 2001. http://www.line56.com/articles/ebiz_ecosys_index.asp LOCAL COPY
January 29: Introduction to E-business (Part 2)
Required Readings:
- Federal Trade Commission. Entering the 21st Century: Competition Policy in the World of B2B Electronic Marketplaces. Part 2: Efficiencies of B2B Electronic Marketplaces. http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/10/part2.pdf
- Downes & Mui. Unleashing the Killer App. Chapter 2, The New Economics. http://www.killer-apps.com/Contents/booktour/tour_chapter_2_the_new_economics.htm
"Purchasing 2010" is a set of 33 short (1-2 page) essays from Purchasing about the future of purchasing, supply management, and e-business. Read the introduction and at least these four of the essays:
- Purchasing 2010. Purchasing, December 22, 2000. http://www.manufacturing.net/pur/index.asp?layout=articleWebzine&articleid=CA139693
- Glushko. The Plug-and-Play Economy. http://www.manufacturing.net/pur/index.asp?layout=articleWebzine&articleid=CA139717
- Ottavio. Buy Locally, Manage Virtually. http://www.manufacturing.net/pur/index.asp?layout=articleWebzine&articleid=CA139709
- Jackson. Firms Make-to-Order. http://www.manufacturing.net/pur/index.asp?layout=articleWebzine&articleid=CA139720
- Escott. "Old Ways" Disappear. http://www.manufacturing.net/pur/index.asp?layout=articleWebzine&articleid=CA139712
January 31: E-business from a Document Engineering Perspective (Part 1)
Required Readings:
- Glushko. How XML Enables Internet Trading Communities and Marketplaces. Graphics Communications Association XML'99 Conference. LOCAL COPY
- Commerce One. MarketSite. http://www.commerceone.com/download/collateral/cmrc_marketsite_brochure.pdf
Other short articles or news items about business services in the networked economy that illustrate information flows or document exchanges:
- Burgert. Collaboration; Planning Together Can Bring Big Returns for Trade Partners. Electronic Commerce World, March 3, 2001. http://www.ecomworld.com/magazine/issues/article.cfm?ContentID=645
- Greenfield, Patel, & Fenner. Online Invoicing Ready For Business-To-Business Users. InformationWeek.com, November 12, 2001. http://www.informationweek.com/story/IWK20011108S0019
- Worldwide Retail Exchange and Global Sources to develop Asian Supplier Sourcing Program. Press Release, November 25, 2001. http://www.corporate.globalsources.com/INFO/PRESS/ARTICLES/NOV2601.HTM
- Barlas. Good Data. Line56, August 2001. http://www.line56.com/articles/default.asp?NewsID=2885
- FIX and SWIFT to Pursue Single Industry Standard. Press Release, July 5, 2001. http://www.swift.com/index.cfm?item_id=6489
Recommended Readings:
- XCBL 3.5 Document Definitions. [use as a glossary for the types of documents used in e-business] http://www.xcbl.org/xcbl35/doclist.html
February 5: E-business from a Document Engineering Perspective (Part 2)
Required Readings:
The eCo Framework Project (http://eco.commerce.net) in 1998-1999 was an ambitious attempt to develop an architectural framework for "document-centric" e-commerce. It was ahead of its time but its concepts have been embodied in numerous standards and specifications for "web services."
- eCo Specification Purpose and Scope. http://eco.commerce.net/specs/index.cfm
- eCo Architecture for Electronic Commerce Interoperability. Chapter 1 (Introduction) & Chapter 2 (eCo Architecture). http://eco.commerce.net/specs/index.cfm LOCAL COPY
- Glushko. XML Standards and Specifications for Interoperable E-commerce. LOCAL COPY
- Gisolfi. Web Services Architect, Part 1: An Introduction to Dynamic e-Business. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-arc1/?dwzone=webservices LOCAL COPY
- UDDI Executive White Paper. http://www.uddi.org/pubs/UDDI_Executive_White_Paper.doc
February 7: Co-evolution of E-business Models and Enabling Technologies
Required Readings:
- Garguilo & Markovitz. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Electronic Data Interchange Products. Introduction and EDI Tutorial, pages 1-10. NIST Publication 500-231, January 1996. http://www.itl.nist.gov/div896/ipsg/eval_guide/evaluation_guid.html LOCAL COPY
- Rawlins. X12 Technical Tutorial
- Syntax and Control. http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/x12syn.html
- Semantics. http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/x12sem.html
- Implementation Conventions. http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/x12imp.html
- Marti. SAP and the Online Procurement Market. Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Case # EC-5, March 2000. [skim or skip everything after page 16]. http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/cebc/pdfs/C_EC_005_case.pdf LOCAL COPY
Recommended Readings:
- Kroger EDI Implementation Guide. 856 Ship Notice/Manifest Mapping. http://edi.kroger.com/856map.htm
- EDI Service Bureau, Inc. WalMart EDI Advance Ship Notice and Shipping Label Service. http://www.edi-service.com/walmart_asn-labels_service.htm
- Edwards. I'm Not Dead Yet. Line56, May 2001. http://www.line56.com/articles/default.asp?NewsID=2563
Required Readings:
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 27-58, 78-81.
Recommended Readings:
- Walsh. A Technical Introduction to XML. XML.COM, October 13, 1998. http://www.xml.com/pub/a/98/10/guide0.html
February 14: XML Schema Languages (Part 1)
Required Readings:
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 143-169.
February 19: XML Styles and Transformations
Required Readings:
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 81-94,105-111, 194-223.
Recommended Readings:
- Holman. What is XSLT? XML.COM, August 16, 2000. http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/08/holman/index.html
February 21: XML Schema Languages (Part 2)
Required Readings:
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 189-193.
- W3C. XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes (W3C Recommendation 02 May 2001). [sections 1.1, 1.2, table at beginning of section 3]. http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/
- W3C. XML Schema Part 0: Primer (W3C Recommendation, 2 May 2001) [sections 1 & 2]. http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/
Recommended Readings:
- van der Vliest. Using W3C XML Schema. XML.COM, October 17, 2001. http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/11/29/schemas/part1.html
February 26: Modeling E-business Documents and Processes
Required Readings:
- Hayes & Glushko. "Artifacts Focused View of Modeling" (Draft as of 22 February 2002). http://home.attbi.com/~brianhayes/TR/2002/AFVModeling-1.0.htm
- Scott. "UML Basics." http://www.iconixsw.com/UMLzone.html (Powerpoint presentation) (key concepts are: class diagrams, relationships, adornment, packages, behavioral diagrams, interaction diagrams, activity diagrams)
February 28: Understanding Requirements for E-business
Required Readings:
- Smith. Business Requirements Gathering: An Overview. The Data Administration Newsletter (TDAN.com), January 2000. http://www.tdan.com/i011ht01.htm
- Wiegers. Usable Requirements: Habits of Effective Analysts. Software Development, October 2000. http://www.sdmagazine.com/documents/s=739/sdm0010c
- McGrath & Glushko. Roadmap for "Document Engineering" LOCAL COPY
March 5: XML Vocabularies for E-business
Required Readings:
- XML Common Business Library. http://www.xcbl.org/about.html
- XML Common Business Library Structure Reference. http://www.xcbl.org/xcbl35/documentation/structureRef/index.html (Start with "How to Use This Reference" and "xCBL Building Blocks")
- UBL: The Next Step for Global E-Commerce. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/msc/200112/ubl.pdf
Recommended Readings:
- XML.ORG Registry. http://www.xml.org/xml/registry.jsp (Explore a little to appreciate the diversity of XML specifications)
Required Readings:
- Mulberry Technologies. Document Analysis for DTD or Schema Development. http://www.mulberrytech.com/papers/DocAnaly3b.pdf (slides 44-102) LOCAL COPY
- Glushko. Design Issues for Multi-Document Hypertexts. Proceedings of 1989 ACM Conference on Hypertext, pages 51-60. LOCAL COPY
Required Readings:
- Glushko, Weaver, Coonan, & Lincoln. "Hypertext Engineering": Practical Methods for Creating a Compact Disc Encyclopedia. ACM Conference on Document Processing Systems, 1988, pages 11-19. LOCAL COPY
- Mulberry Technologies. Document Analysis for DTD or Schema Development. http://www.mulberrytech.com/papers/DocAnaly3b.pdf (slides 103-134) LOCAL COPY
- Farish. What's in a Name? http://www.vertaasis.com/articles/whats_in_a_name.htm
Recommended Readings:
- Graham. Taste for Makers. http://www.paulgraham.com/taste.html
Required Readings:
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 59-61, 169-177.
- Gregory. XML Schema Design for Business-to-Business E-Commerce. Proceedings of XML Europe 2000 . http://www.gca.org/papers/xmleurope2000/papers/s21-01.html
- UBL Naming and Design Rules. http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
March 19: XML Standards Organizations for E-business
Required Readings:
Infrastructure Standards
- World Wide Web Consortium Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity Statement. http://www.w3.org/XML/Activity
- OASIS Technical Work Overview. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees
- ebXML.http://www.ebxml.org
Try this for an easier to understand overview:
- Mertz. Understanding ebXML. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-ebxml/index.html
Industry or Vertical Standards
- RosettaNet. Overview http://www.rosettanet.org/rosettanet/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B36249C27FC2BD411841F00C04F689339%5D%5Dhttp://www.rosettanet.org
- RosettaNet E-business Standards Initiative. http://www.rosettanet.org/rosettanet/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B36249C27FC2BD411841F00C04F689339%5D%5D
- Open Applications Group http://www.openapplications.org/global/intro.htm
March 20: SIMSposium lecture on "The Universal Business Language" by Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems
March 21: Class cancelled in lieu of Bosak SIMposium lecture on March 20
April 2: Business Process Patterns
Required Readings:
- Clark & Hayes. "Business Process and Business Information Analysis Overview". Version 1.0. 11 May 2001. ebXML Technical Report. [Chapter 8. The Analysis Process; Chapter 9, Sections 1 and 2; Chapter 6, Section 3].http://www.ebxml.org/specs/bpOVER.pdf
April 4: Business Process Analysis
Required Readings:
- xCBL.org. USE CASE: ABC Scenario Samples (just the one overview document; you don't need to study all the documents that are linked to the overview) http://www.xcbl.org/xcbl35/SOX/samples/abcsamples.html
- RosettaNet E-business Standards Initiative (this was assigned for March 19 so you may have already read it). http://www.rosettanet.org/rosettanet/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B36249C27FC2BD411841F00C04F689339%5D%5D
- RosettaNet. PIP Directory (Start getting familiar with the range of business processes that that PIPs cover). http://www.rosettanet.org/rosettanet/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B9A6EEA233C5CD411843C00C04F689339%5D%5D
Recommended Readings:
- Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model: Overview of SCOR Version 5.0. Supply-Chain Council. 2001. http://www.supply-chain.org/slides/SCOR5.0OverviewBooklet.pdf
April 9: Business Process Design
Required Readings:
- RosettaNet. PIP3A4: Request Purchase Order. Version 2.00. 6 December 2001. http://www.rosettanet.org/rosettanet/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B6AB37A9DA92DD411842300C04F689339%5D%5D
- Business Process Analysis Worksheets & Guidelines. LOCAL COPY
- UN/CEFACT's Techniques & Methodologies Working Group (TMWG). UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology. Version R10. November 2001. [Section 9.3, Analysis Patterns]. http://www.gefeg.com/tmwg/n090r10.htm
Recommended Readings:
- Commerce One. Order Management: xCBL Business Process Transactions. Version 1.0. November 2001. [Read section 1, introduction to section 2, and one or two of the section 2 subsections, e.g. 2.1, Order Create]. http://www.xcbl.org/DevResources/BusinessTransactions.htm LOCAL COPY
April 11: Business Process Encoding
Required Readings:
- Bind Systems. Bind Partner Platform. http://www.bindsys.com/
- Hayes. Business Process Analysis Worksheets to BPSS Generator.
Recommended Readings:
- Microsoft. Biztalk Orchestration. http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/techinfo/planning/2000/wp_orchestration.doc
April 16: Architecture and Implementation Patterns
Required Readings:
- IBM. Patterns for E-business. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/patterns/
- Electronic Commerce http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/patterns/u2ob/index.html
- Electronic Commerce: Select Application pattern http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/patterns/u2ob/select-application-topology.html
- Extended Enterprise http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/patterns/b2bi/index.html
Recommended Readings:
- Extended Enterprise: Select Application Pattern http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/patterns/b2bi/select-application-topology.html
April 18: Industry Frameworks (Part 1)
Required Readings:
- Kreger. Web Services Conceptual Architecture (WSCA 1.0). May 2001. [pages 1-21] http://www-4.ibm.com/software/solutions/webservices/pdf/WSCA.pdf
- Anne Thomas Manes Interview on Web Services http://www.theserverside.com/events/index.jsp
April 23: Industry Frameworks (Part 2)
Required Readings:
- Kreger. Web Services Conceptual Architecture (WSCA 1.0). May 2001. [pages 22-40]. http://www-4.ibm.com/software/solutions/webservices/pdf/WSCA.pdf
- Vauter & Roman. J2EE vs. Microsoft.NET. TheServerSide.com, June 2001. http://www.theserverside.com/resources/article.jsp?l=J2EE-vs-DOTNET
- Bank. Breaking Windows. Chapter 2 section "Embrace and Extend", pages 56-65.
April 25: Legacy Integration and Databases
Required Readings:
- Linthicum. B2B Application Integration. Chapter 1. http://www.awl.com/cseng/titles/0-201-70936-8/ch1.pdf LOCAL COPY
- Bourret. XML and Databases. [Sections 1.0-5.1].http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/XMLAndDatabases.htm
Required Readings:
- Terris. Re-use, Re-purpose, Re-package: A General Engine Products, Inc. Case Study. XML 2001. http://www.idealliance.org/papers/xml2001/papers/html/04-01-04.htm
- Interwoven. XML in a Content Infrastructure. http://www.interwoven.com/documents/whitepapers/wp_xml_handbook_1-0.pdf
- TIBCO XMLCanon/Developer. http://www.tibco.com/products/extensibility/solutions/xml_canon.html
Required Readings:
- Ray. Learning XML, pages 278-308 (skim the code examples).
- Allamaraju. Programming to XML - Data Binding Silver Bullet. XML 2001 http://www.idealliance.org/papers/xml2001/papers/pdf/04-01-03.pdf
May 7: Intra-enterprise Management Issues
Required Readings:
- O'Sullivan & Whitecar. Implementing an Industry e-Business Initiative: Getting to RosettaNet. Intel Technology Journal, 1st Quarter 2000. http://developer.intel.com/technology/itj/q12000/articles/art_4.htm
- Wagner. Intel Readies EDI Retirement. Internetweek.com, December 21, 2001. http://www.internetweek.com/story/INW20011217S0001
- Jones, Scannell, Sullivan, & Fonseca. Web Services Spells Changing Tide for Systems Integration. Infoworld, September 10, 2001. http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/01/09/10/010910hnintegration.xml
May 9: Inter-enterprise Management Issues
Required Readings:
- Ousterhout. Managing Trading Partners. EAI Journal, October 2000. http://www.eaijournal.com/Article.asp?ArticleID=143 LOCAL COPY
http://www.eaijournal.com/Article.asp?ArticleID=143- Buxbaum. On a Clear Day You Can See Your Supply Chain. Line56, January 2001. http://www.line56.com/articles/default.asp?NewsID=1986
- E-Markets Unbundled. http://www.line56.com/articles/default.asp?ArticleID=3619
Required Readings:
A course has to end somewhere. "Accelerating RosettaNet" was the first reading in the course and can also be the last. Every nuance in this tightly-written article will make perfect sense.
- Burgert. Accelerating RosettaNet. E-Commerce World, November 1, 2001. http://www.ecomworld.com/global/includes/content/print.cfm?contentID=2065