
L22R5. Tommy Schweller, "Cell Phone Meets Barcode Scanner", June 2009

Guide Questions:

  • Why is innovation in mobile handhelds becoming more popular?
  • What are the applications of innovations such as the reading of barcodes using a cellphone? How does this affect your concept of designing service systems?

L22R4. Jan Meskens et al, "Gummy for Multi-platform UI Designs", Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2008

Guide Questions:

  • How does GUMMY aid in the design of interfaces for multi-platform applications?
  • Why are tools like this relevant in the design of multi-platform services? 

L22R3. Jun Gong and Peter Tarasewich, "Guidelines for Handheld Mobile Device Interface Design", Proceedings of the 2004 DSI Annual Meeting, 2004

Guide Questions:

  • What are the similarities in the design guidelines for the design of computer user interfaces and that of mobile device interfaces?
  • What are those that are modified specifically for mobile devices?  What are the factors in mobile devices that led to this?
  • How do these guidelines compare to those for other devices?

L22R2. Kai Richter et al, "The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006

Guide Questions:

  • What is meant by consistency across multiple platforms? In what aspects or dimensions does this apply?
  • What are the limits to consistency?
  • How does this affect the design of service systems? What are the different design choices that are affected?

L22R1. Jill Blue Lin, "An Analysis of Graceful Degradation for Multi-Platform UIs", UC Berkeley School of Information unpublished manuscript, November 2007

Guide Questions:

  • What are the issues faced in designing for multi-platform contexts?
  • How does graceful degradation address these issues?
  • What are the tradeoffs of applying graceful degradation? 
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