Fall 2013

Installing R
Brief instructions for installing R and R Commander on your machine.

Internet Users
A dataset from the World Bank, showing the percentage of each Country's population that has access to the Internet. Adapted from http://data.worldbank.org/.

A dataset from the World Bank, showing the average number of births per woman that lives to the end of her child-bearing years, for each country. Adapted from http://data.worldbank.org/.

A merged version of the above datasets including a number of country-by-country variables.

A dataset from Transparency International, which computes a corruption perceptions index (CPI) for various countries.

Takedown Requests
A dataset from Google, which counts requests from governments to take down content, organized by country of origin and online product.

Countries 2
A larger version of the Countries dataset, including the Corruption and Takedown data.

Youtube Videos
A sample of Youtube video metadata, taken from webcrawls conducted by Cheng, Dale, and Liu at Simon Fraser University. Details of their methodology can be found at http://netsg.cs.sfu.ca/youtubedata/

General Social Survey
An unweighted sample of data from the 1993 General Social Survey, including a wide range of questions related to demographics and attitudes. Each variable is explained in the GSS codebook, which may be accessed through the mnemonic directory.

Pew Dating Survey
A sample of data from a 2013 survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. There are a number of variables related to relationships and online dating. This is the dataset for the final exam.