Installing R
Brief instructions for installing R and R Commander on your machine.
Internet Users
A dataset from the World Bank, showing the percentage of each Country's population that
has access to the Internet. Adapted from
A dataset from the World Bank, showing the average number of births per woman that lives
to the end of her child-bearing years, for each country. Adapted from
A merged version of the above datasets including a number of country-by-country variables.
A dataset from Transparency International, which computes a corruption perceptions index (CPI) for various countries.
Takedown Requests
A dataset from Google, which counts requests from governments to take down content, organized
by country of origin and online product.
Countries 2
A larger version of the Countries dataset, including the Corruption and Takedown data.
Youtube Videos
A sample of Youtube video metadata, taken from webcrawls conducted by Cheng, Dale, and Liu at Simon Fraser University. Details of their methodology can be found at
General Social Survey
An unweighted sample of data from the 1993 General Social Survey, including a wide range of
questions related to demographics and attitudes. Each variable is explained in the GSS codebook,
which may be accessed through the
mnemonic directory.
Pew Dating Survey
A sample of data from a 2013 survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. There are a number
of variables related to relationships and online dating. This is the dataset for the final exam.