Mini blender

Submitted by christineschantz on Tue, 03/12/2013 - 20:25



For this assignment I build a mini blender using the DC Motor and a toy from Daiso. I disassembled the toy and replaced its content with the DC Motor. By the input from the potentiometer the DC Motor / blender output turns from minimum to maximum speed, and can plus be turned off.  


  • Arduino Uno
  • Breadboard
  • Potentiometer 
  • DC motor
  • Transistor
  • Resistor (10 ohm)
  • Battery case
  • 2 x AA batteries
  • Tape
  • Mini blender (Toy from Daiso)



 * one pot fades one motor
 * modified version of AnalogInput
 * by DojoDave <>
 * Modified again by dave
int potPin = 0;   // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int motorPin = 9; // select the pin for the Motor
int val = 0;      // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
void setup() {
void loop() {
  val = analogRead(potPin);    // read the value from the sensor, between 0 - 1024
  analogWrite(motorPin, val/4); // analogWrite can be between 0-255


Blender + controller
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