Synthesis: Music Instrument (group work)
Our musical instruments are our hands! By clapping and moving hands we make music. We attached photo sensors on gloves and by using them each hand makes note. To make sound, we used Max software.
Components Used
Arduino Uno board
4- LED lamps
4- photo sensors
This 3-person collaborative instrument was inspired by OK Go music videos and Rube Goldberg machines. It consists of 4 different noisemakers: input from an FSR moves a mallet across a xylophone, input from a photocell moves another mallet to strike either a group of bells and a small cowbell, input from a photocell determines the direction in which a 360-degree servo motor turns a tower of spoons hitting jars and cans, and a soft circuit stuffed doll uses a photocell and translates the input with a piezo speaker.
This is a stringed instrument played by four servo motors. Each of them reacts to a photocell's value, so four inputs of blocking light can make sound from four strings with different length. Users can collaboratively play this instrument by controlling one photocell for each.
Components Used
- 1 Arduino board
- 4 photocells
- 4 servo motors
- etc.
We wanted to make a musical instrument we could seemingly touch and manipulate. We liked the idea of somehow touching or interacting with water to produce music. We ended up making a water instrument which is an aquarium of water that can be played by any interaction which creates ripples in the water. In our demo, we are using a water bottle to drip water into the tank.
Team Members: Shaohan Chen, Michael Craig, Eungchan Kim, Eddie Lee
By: Brian McRae, Thomas May, John Scott, Kate Hsiao & Marie Spliid Kirkegaard