Synthesis: Music Instrument (group work)

Posted by Annie

Annie's picture

For our instrument we synthesized a DJ turntable using cardboard and construction paper for an abstract representation.  We adapted the theory behind the Theremin, which involves no physical touch necessary to the actual interface, instead using photocells which we wired underneath the "turntable" connectedly corresponding to LED lights and then to the Arduino, one need only to wave their hands above a series of photocells embedded in the paper representation of two  records in order to produce an array of sounds paired with different colored dimming lights.

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Posted by prayag

prayag's picture

Our musical instrument is a game called Dance Dance Devaluation. The idea is that you can augment the music by dancing along the music. It has  pre-recorded compositions of different tempo which you can select using a Potentiometer. As you dance on the 3 tiles it produces different percussion sounds. You can also shut down the music and create music by just dancing.  Also as you dance, the waveform on the screen follows the music.

A demo is here

Components Used:

1. 3 FSRs

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Posted by karthik

karthik's picture

The Instrument:

We adapted the concept of a Theremin, as we felt it's really cool to be able to generate music with just motion and no contact. We also wanted to add a gaming aspect to the instrument, in effect making one player copy the hand motions of the other. The metaphor was someone dancing to match an instructor, but producing music as they went along. 

The instrument consists of two pads, each with two light sensors. The left hand controls the octave, while the right hand controls the notes. The sound is output using the piezo speakers.

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Posted by apoorvas

apoorvas's picture

Collaborators :

Cole, Lizzy and Apoorva

Speakers opened
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Posted by arielhaney

arielhaney's picture


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Posted by Erich

Erich's picture

Musical Instrument that makes a bunch of noise (ie. percussion). By controlling the speed of a DC motor, the light on a photocell, and the position of a bunch of different members, the instrument plays some wicked drum solos on a resonating piece of metal and a plastic membrane...also with a speaker.

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Posted by emily

emily's picture


These musical instruments are dedicated to Rebecca Black, the racist girl at UCLA and the Asian student songwriter's response, Animal Collective's "Lion in a Coma," 404's, 808's, and heartbreaks.  We created several instruments that play both digital and actuated sound.  They include:

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