Bottle fun!

Posted by apoorvas

apoorvas's picture

Collaborators :

Cole, Lizzy and Apoorva


Our assignment was to create a musical instrument using atleast 4 input devices from the ones we had used to far i.e photo sensor, force sensor, pots etc. We were all really inspired with bottles and how one can create sounds by blowing into them or tapping them. Hence, we decided to create a music instrument using empty bottles.

Components Used:
  • Arduino Micro-controller
  • Wires
  • Potentiometer
  • 2 Photocells
  • 2 FSRs
  • 4 potentiometers
  • Cardboard Paper
We have four empty bottles with potentiometers attached under them and 2 bottles have photocells on top of them while another two have force-sensors on top of them. By rotating the bottles one can change the sound played by the particular bottle, thus the sounds become higher in octave as one moves the bottle from low resistance to high resistance. Further, the force sensor and light sensor are used to control when the sounds are played, thus one can create very interesting background music using the four bottles, A musical mix of cats meawing , organ playing, drums and cello all together :)
Video  Click here

We wanted to initially make a blow sensor using the piezo speaker in reverse. i.e. using vibration to create voltage and then sensing that however that didnt work quite well , although  we did end up breaking and opening a lot of speakers  :)
Speakers opened
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