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SIMS 247: Information Visualization and Presentation


Note: Many images have been removed from the lectures available from this web page. Students in IS247 will be able to view the lecture with images on the class directory in the lab.







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Related Courses

Online InfoViz Resources

Course Recap
April 30 (powerpoint presentation)

Late Breaking Viz Research from CHI 98
April 28 (html)

Ruth Rosenholtz
April 21

Texture, Visual Search, and Visualization
Guest lecture by Ruth Rosenholtz
April 21

Application Area: Data Mining
Guest lecture by Ronny Kohavi
April 16

Automated Graph Design
Guest lecture by Mike Schiff
April 14

Discuss Final Projects
April 9

Design of Interactive Interfaces
Guest lecture by Robert Reimann
April 7

Visualizing Text and Text Collections (continued)
April 2 (powerpoint presentation)

Visualizing Text and Text Collections
March 31 (powerpoint presentation)

Spring Break
March 24, 26

Design Principles
Guest lecture by Tamara Munzner
March 21

Guest lecture by Bay-wei Chang
March 19

Panning and Zooming
March 12 (powerpoint presentation)

Design Principles
Guest lecture by Delle Maxwell
March 10

Clutter Reduction in Database Visualization
Guest lecture by Allison Woodruff
March 5 (powerpoint presentation)

Guest lecture by Maureen Stone
March 3

    Josef Albers, Interaction of Color. Yale University Press, 1963.
    Mark D. Fairchilde, Color Appearance Models. Addision-Wesley, 1998.
    G. Wyszechki and W.S. Stiles Color Science, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
    R.W.G. Hunt, The Reproduction of Colour, Fourth Edition, Fountain Press, England, 1987.
    E.J. Giorgianni and T. E. Madden, Digital Color Management. Addison-Wesley, 1998.
    ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Color Courses, 1995-1997, Charles Poynton, Organizer.

Visual Properties and Visualization
Feb 26 (powerpoint presentation)

Evaluating Interactive Interfaces
Feb 24 (powerpoint presentation)

More on Distortion-based Views,
and How many ways to show a network?:

Feb 19 (powerpoint presentation)

Distortion-based Views:
Feb 17 (powerpoint presentation)

Dynamic Queries on Data; Intro to Distortion-based Views:
Feb 12 (powerpoint presentation)

Simultaneous Multiple Views:
Feb 10 (powerpoint presentation)

Interactive Linking as Query Specification:
Feb 05 (powerpoint presentation)

Brushing and Linking:
Feb 03 (powerpoint presentation)

Graphing Multivariate Information:
Jan 29 (powerpoint presentation)

Graphing Basics Continued:
Jan 27 (powerpoint presentation)

    Kosslyn, Stephen M. Understanding Charts and Graphs. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 3, 185-226. 1989.

    Spring, Michael B., Morse, Emile, and Heo, Misook. Multi-level Navigational Space.
    http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~spring/homepage.html  (under Selected Papers)

    Schall, Matthew. SPSS DIAMOND: a visual exploratory data analysis tool.Perspective, 18 (2), 1995.

    Hearst, M. TileBars, Visualization of Term Distribution in Full Information Access. Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 95.

    Tufte 83

Graphing Basics:
Jan 22 (powerpoint presentation)

Jan 20