Course Recap
April 30 (powerpoint presentation)
Ruth Rosenholtz
April 21
Texture, Visual Search, and Visualization
Guest lecture by
Ruth Rosenholtz
April 21
Application Area: Data Mining
Guest lecture by
Ronny Kohavi
April 16
Design of Interactive Interfaces
Guest lecture by
Robert Reimann
April 7
Spring Break
March 24, 26
Design Principles
Guest lecture by
Tamara Munzner
March 21
Guest lecture by
Bay-wei Chang
March 19
Design Principles
Guest lecture by Delle Maxwell
March 10
Guest lecture by
Maureen Stone
March 3
Josef Albers, Interaction of Color. Yale University Press, 1963.
Mark D. Fairchilde, Color Appearance Models. Addision-Wesley, 1998.
G. Wyszechki and W.S. Stiles Color Science, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
R.W.G. Hunt, The Reproduction of Colour, Fourth Edition, Fountain Press, England, 1987.
E.J. Giorgianni and T. E. Madden, Digital Color Management. Addison-Wesley, 1998.
ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Color Courses, 1995-1997, Charles Poynton, Organizer.
Wills, Graham J. Visual Exploration of Large Structured Datasets, New Techniques and Trends in Statistics, 237-246. IOS Press, 1995.
Lucent's EDV guide.
Cleveland, W.S. and McGill, R. The Many Faces of A Scatterplot. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79, pp. 807-822, 1984.
Cleveland, W.S. and McGill, R., eds. Dynamic Graphics for Statistics. Wadsworth & Brooks, 1988.
Tweedie, Lisa, Spence, Robert, Dawkes, Huw, and Su, Hua. Externalising Abstract Mathematical Models. Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI, April 1996.
Roth, Steven F., Chuah, Mei C., Kerpedjiev, Stephan, Kolojejchick, John, and Lucas, Peter. Towards and Information Visualization Workspace: Combining Multiple Means of Expression. Human-Computer Interaction Journal, 1997, in press.
Schall, Matthew. SPSS DIAMOND: a visual exploratory data analysis tool. Perspective, 18 (2), 1995.
Visualization Techniques of Different Dimensions, John Behrens and Chong Ho Yu, 1995
Feinberg, S.E. Graphical methods in statistics. American Statisticians, 33, 165-178, 1979
Friendly, Michael, Gallery of Data Visualization.
- scan of Minard's graph from Tufte 1983
- multivariate means comparison
Wegman, Edward J. and Luo, Qiang. High Dimensional Clustering Using Parallel Coordinates and the Grand Tour.,
Conference of the German Classification Society, Freiberg, Germany, 1996.
Cook, Dennis R and Weisberg, Sanford. An Introduction to Regression Graphics, 1995.
Marchette, David. An Investigation of Chernoff Faces for High Dimensional Data Exploration.
Chernoff, H. The use of Faces to Represent Points in k-Dimensional Space Graphically. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 68, 361-368, 1973.
Kosslyn, Stephen M. Understanding Charts and Graphs. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 3, 185-226. 1989.
Spring, Michael B., Morse, Emile, and Heo, Misook. Multi-level Navigational Space.
http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~spring/homepage.html (under Selected Papers)
Schall, Matthew. SPSS DIAMOND: a visual exploratory data analysis tool.Perspective, 18 (2), 1995.
Hearst, M. TileBars, Visualization of Term Distribution in Full Information Access. Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 95.
Tufte 83
Graphing Basics:
Jan 22 (powerpoint presentation)