
Info 218: Concepts of Information Spring 2012
School of Information, UC Berkeley, Spring 2012
Paul Duguid, Geoffrey Nunberg, instructors
Syllabus & Readings
Required Reading:
Gleick, James. 2011. The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood
New York: Viking.
Week 1
17 Jan: Introduction
Slides: Geoff
19 Jan: Exercise:
I-School Identities
- Brouillon, L. 1956. Science and Information Theory.
New York: Academic Press.
- Schrader,Alvin M. 1984. "In Search of a Name: Information
Science and Its Conceptual Antecedents," Library and Information
Science Research 6(3): 227-272
Slides: Geoff
Week 2
24 Jan: Playing With Words:
"Technology," "Platform," and Other "Keywords"
- Duff, A. S., Craig, D., & McNeill, D. A. 1996. "A Note
On the Origins Of the 'Information Society.'" Journal of
Information Science, 22(2): 117 -122.
- Jones, William. 2010, "No
Knowledge but through information" <=""
em=""> 15(9-6).
- Rosenberg, Daniel. 2012. "Toward
a Quantitative History of Data," Paper Presented at the American
Historical Association Meetings, Chicago. [author's draft; available
through bspace]
- Tuomi, Ilkka. 1999. "Data is More Than Knowledge:
Implications of the Reversed Knowledge Hierarchy for Knowledge
Management and Organizational Memory," Journal of Management
Information Systems 16(3): 103-117.
- Kelly, Kevin. 2010. What Technology Wants. New
York: Viking.
- Duguid, Paul. 2011. "Spin Cycle"
(Review of Tim Wu, The Master Switch, & Kevin Kelly, What
Technology Wants. Nation, January 10/17
26 Jan: Exercise: Producing and
Consuming Information
Week 3
31 Jan: How Much Information?
- Bell, Daniel. 1976. The Coming of Post-Industrial
Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting.New York, NY: Basic Books.
Blair, Ann, 2011. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information
before the Modern Age. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Brown, John Seely & Paul Duguid. 2000. "Limits
to Information," chapter 1 in The Social Life of Information,
Boston: Harvard University Press.
- Green, John C. 1964. "The Information Explosion: Real or
Imaginary," Science 144(3619): 646-648.
- Kallinkikos, Jannis. 2006. The Consequences of
Information: Institutional Implications of Technological Change.
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Lesk, Michael. 1996. "How Much Information
is There in the World?"
- Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor. 2009. Delete: The Virtue of
Forgetting in the Digital Age, Cambridge: Harvard University
- Machlup, Fritz. 1962. The Production and Distribution
of Knowledge in the United States. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
- Pool, I. de S. 1983. "Tracking the Flow of Information." Science,
221(4611): 609-613.
- Porat, Marc U. 1977. The Information Economy:
Sources and Methods for Measuring the Primary Information Sector,
Washington, D.C.
- Rosenberg, Daniel. 2010. Introduction [to panel of
historians on Information Overload]. Journal of the History of
Ideas. 64(1): 1-9.
Slides: Paul
2 Feb: History of "Information"—1
- Nunberg, Geoffrey, 1996. "Farewell
to the Information Age" in G. Nunberg, ed., The Future of the Book, Berkeley:
University of California Press. Read pp. 1-23.
- The Oxford English
Dictionary entry for 'information'. Go to the OED here and
look up information. You can
skip the first senses under I, but look closely at senses II.4.a;
II.5a-e, 6. Look also at the compounds at the end of the entry. Try to
read the citations as well, at least from the 18th c. on -- often these
help to fill in exactly what the definition means.
- Gleick, James. 2011. The
Information. Pantheon. "Prologue." Online here if
you haven't received/dowloaded your copy yet.
- Salthe, Stanley N. 2011. "Naturalizing
Information." Information
2011, 2, 417-425.
- Nunberg, G. 2011. Review
of The Information, by James
Gleick. The New York Times Book
Review, March 18, 2011.
- Newman, Julian. 2001. "Some
Observations on the Semantics of 'Information.'" Information System Frontiers, 3:2,
Week 4
7 Feb: History of
Reading: See 2 Feb.
9 Feb: The "Public," the Public Sphere,
and Public Opinion
- Calhoun, Craig, ed. 1996. Habermas and the Public
Sphere. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Darnton, Robert. 2000. "An
Early Information Society: News and the Media in Eighteenth-Century
Paris" American Historical Review 105(1).
- Darnton, Robert. 1991. "An Enlightened
Revolution," New York Review of Books 38 (17 October 24)
- Habermas, Jürgen, Sara Lennonx, & Frank Lennox. 1974. "The Public Sphere: An
Encyclopedia Article." New German Critique 3(Autumn):
- Hohendahl, Peter. 1974. "Jürgen Habermas:
&39;The Public Sphere.&39 New German Critique
3(Autumn): 45-48.
- Raymond, Joad, ed. 1999. News, Newspapers and Society
in Early Modern Britain. London: Frank Cass
- Sommerville, C. John. 1997. "Surfing
the Coffeehouse," History Today 47(6): 8-10
Slides Paul
Week 5
14 Feb: From the Bourgeois Public
Sphere to the Internet
Slides: Paul
16 Feb: Exercise:
Public Opinion
Week 6
21 Feb: Information and the State
- Giddens, Anthony. 1981. "Surveillance
and the Capitalist State," pp 169-176 in A. Giddens, A
Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, vol 1 Power,
Property, and the State. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Scott, James C., John Tehranian, & Jeremy
Mathias. 2002. "The
Production of Legal identities Proper to States: The Case of the
Permanent Family Surname," Comparative Studies in Society and
History 44(1): 4-44.
- Agar, John. 2003. The Government Machine: A
Revolutionary History of the Computer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Campbell-Kelly, Martin, 2002. "Information Technology
and Organizational change in the British Census, 1801-1911," Information
Systems Research 7(1): 35-57.
- Cullen, Michael J. 1975 The Statistical Movement in
Early Victorian Britain: The Foundations of Empirical Social Research.
Harvester Press: New York.
- Hacking, Ian. 1990. The Taming of Chance.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Headrick, Daniel R.. 2000. When Information Came of
Age: Technologies of Knowledge in the Age of Reason and Revolution.
New York: Oxford University Press.
- Oettinger, Anthony. 1980. "Information Resources:
Knowledge and Power and the 21st Century," Science[Centennial
Issue, July 4] 209 (4452): 191-198.
- Rusnock, Andrea A. 2002. Vital Accounts: Quantifying
Health and Population in England and France. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Slides: Paul
23 Feb: Information and the Organization
Slides: Paul
Week 7
28 Feb: Information and Objectivity
- Schudson, Michael. 2003. "Where News Came From: The History
of Journalism," pp. 64-89 in Michael Schudson, The Sociology of
News. New York: Norton.
- Chalaby, Jean K. 2000. The Invention of Journalism.
Palgrave Macmillan.
- Tucker, J. 1997. "Photography as
Witness, Detective, and Impostor: Visual Representation in Victorian
Science," in Bernard Lightman, ed. Victorian Science in
Context. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Green, David. 1984. "Veins
of Resemblance: Photography and Eugenics." Oxford Art Journal7(2):
- Nunberg, Geoffrey. 2006. "The
War on Truth," pp. 168ff in Nunberg, G. Talking Right: How
Conservatives Turned Liberalism into a Tax-Raising, Latte-Drinking,
Sushi-Eating, Volvo-Driving, New York Times-Reading, Body-Piercing,
Hollywood-Loving, Left-Wing Freak Show. NewYork, PublicAffairs.
Chapter 11, (175 in pdf) to 185 (191 in pdf). [download from bSpace.]
- "Press
Accuracy Rating Hits Two-Decade Low" Pew Research Center, 9/14/09.
- Liberman, Mark (2005-12-23).
"Multiplying Ideologies Considered Harmful." Language Log.
- "Media
Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist," UCLA newsroom
- Visit the websites of Media Research Center,,
1 Mar: Exercise:
Week 8
6 Mar: Information and Political Science
- Lippmann, Walter. 1922. Public
Opinion. New York: Harcourt Brace. ch. 6-7, 13-14.
(Google Book; Also available
at Project Gutenberg)
- Popkin, Samuel L.1994. The Reasoning
Voter. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Chch. 1-3, 5.
(Google Book). An abridged version is available via Google Books as "Information
Shortcuts and the Reasoning Voter," in Bernard N. Grofman, ed. Information,
Participation, and Choice, Michigan, 1995
- Dewey, John. "The Public and
its Problems," in Andreas Hess, ed., 2003, American
Social and Political Thought, New York: NYU Press. Selection from
Dewey's The Public and its Problems, 1927 (Swallow Press,
- Carey, James W. 1991. "The
Press, Public Opinion, and Public Discourse," in Theodore Lewis
Glasser & Charles T. Salmon, eds., Public Opinion and the
Communication of Consent.
- Anthony Downs. 1957. An Economic Theory of Democracy.
New York: Harper and Row. See also "An Economic Theory of
Political Action in a Democracy," The Journal of Political
Economy16(2): 135-150.
- Kinder, Donald R., 2003. "Communication
awnd Politics in the Age of Information," in David O. Sears and
Leonie Huddy, eds., Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Page, Benjamin I. and Robert Y. Shapiro, 1992. The
Rational Public: Fifty Years of Trends in Americans' Policy
Preferences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
8 Mar: Exercise: Political Science
Week 9
13 Mar: Information and the
Organization of Knowledge
- Burke, Peter. "Classifying
Knowledge" chapter 5 in Peter Burke, A Social History of
Knowledge. Cambridge: Polity.
- Gleick, Ch 3.
- Yeo, Richard. 1991. "Reading Encyclopedias:
Science and the Organization of Knowledge in British Dictionaries of
Arts and Sciences, 1730-1850." Isis, 82: 24-49.
- McArthur, Tom. 1986. Ch 12-15, pp. 91-133 in Worlds of
Reference. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Samuel Johnson. 1755. Preface
to the Dictionary of the English Language, London.
- Foucault, Michel. 2002. "Classifying." Chapter 5 of The
Order of Things. London: Routledge. (trans. of Les Mots et Les
Choses, 1966).
Most of the chapter is viewable at Google Books,
and a plaintext version is also available here.
- d'Alembert, Jean Le Rond. 1751. Preliminary Discourse to
the Encyclopedia of Diderot, Selections
from Part I. (Entire text can be found here.)
Book of plates
from Diderot's Encylopedie at Slide hand icon at bottom to
15 Mar: Exercise:
The Internet and the Organization of Knowledge
Final Paper/Project Proposals Due
20 Mar: Theories of Information—1
- Gleick, James. 2001. "Information Theory" Chapter 7; Ch 8
"The Informational Turn"; Ch 9 "Entropy and its Demons."
- Shannon, C. E. 1948. "A Mathematical Theory of
Communication," Bell Systems Technical Journal, July & October (Reprinted in ACM
SIGMOBILE 5(1) 2001: 3-55 Read until you come to a paragraph you
don't understand. Read it a second time, then continue until you reach
another paragraph you don't understand; read it a second time etc. When
you come to the third paragraph you don't understand, stop.
- Shannon, C. E. 1956.
"The Bandwagon," IRE Transactions on Information Theory 2
(March): 3.
22 Mar: Information, Economics, and
- Akerlof, George A. 1970. "The Market for 'Lemons':
Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism," Quarterly
Journal of Economics 84(3): 488-500.
- Arrow, Kenneth J. 1984. "Information and Economic Behavior"
pp: 136-152 in K. Arrow, Collected Papers. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
- Babbage, Charles. 1832.On the Economy of
Machinery and Manufactures. London: Charles Knight.
- Cowan, Robin, Paul A. David & Dominique Foray. 2000. "The
Explicit Economics of Knowledge Codification and Tacitness," Industrial
and Corporate Change, 9(2): 211-253.
- Duguid, Paul. 2005. "'The
Art of Knowing': Social and Tacit Dimensions of Knowledge and the
Limits of the Community of Practice." The Information Society
2005 21(2): 109-118.
- Fama, Eugene. 1970. "Efficient Capital Markets:
A Review of Theory and Empirical Work," Journal of Finance
25(2): 383-417.
- Hirshleifer, J. 1973. "Where Are We in the Theory
of Information?,"American Economic Review, 2: 31-39.
- Hayek, Frederich. 1937. "Economics and Knowledge,"
Economica 4[NS](13): 35-54.
- Hirshleifer, J. 1973. "Where Are We in the Theory
of Information?,"American Economic Review, 2: 31-39.
- Hayek, Frederich. 1945. "The Use of Knowledge in
Society," American Economic Review 35(4): 519-533.
- Hirshleifer, J. 1973. "Where Are We in the Theory
of Information?,"American Economic Review, 2: 31-39.
- Learner, Edward E. & Michael Storper, 2001. "The Economic Geography of
the Internet Age," Journal of International Business Studies.
32(4): 641-665.
- Machlup, Fritz & Una Mansfield. 1983. "Semantic
Quirks in Studies of Information," in The Study of Information:
Interdisciplinary Messages. New York: Wiley: 641-71.
- Shapiro, Carl. 1982. "Consumer Information,
Product Quality and Seller Reputation," Bell Journal of
Economics, 13(1): 20-35.
- Shapiro, Carl & Hal R. Varian. 2000. Information
Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. Boston:
Harvard University Press.
- Stigler, George J. 1961. "The Economics of
Information," Journal of Political Economy 69(3):
- Stigler, George J. & Gary S. Becker. 1977. "De Gustibus Non Est
Disputandum," American Economic Review 67(2): 76-90.
Week 11
Midterm break
- No classes -
Week 12
3 April: Information, Economics,
and Development—2
10 Apr: Theories of Information—2
- Israel, David and John Perry,
What is Information? pp. 1-19 in Philip Hanson,
ed., Information, Language and Cognition. Vancouver: University
of British Columbia Press.
- Dretske, F. I. 1981. Knowledge and the Flow of
Information. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Foley, Richard, 1987. "Dretske's
'Information-Theoretic' Account of Knowledge.' Synthese Vol. 70, No. 2,
Feb., 1987
- Fred Dretske. 1986. "Misrepresentation."
In R. Bogdan (ed.), Belief: Form,
Content, and Function. Oxford University Press. Google Books, w/
some pages missing.
Slides: Slides
Week 13
5 Apr: Information and Cognitive
- Simon, Herbert A. 1980. "Cognitive
Science: The Newest Science of the Artificial," Cognitive
Science 4: 33-46.
- Miller, George A. 2003. "The
cognitive revolution: a historical perspective." Trends in
Cognitive Sciences, 7(3 March): 141-144.
- Chomsky, Noam. 1959. "Review of Verbal
Behavior, by B.F. Skinner.". Originally published in Language
- Bolter, David Jay. 1984. Turing's Man: Western Culture
in the Computer Age. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
- Turing, Alan. 1950. "Computing Machinery and
Intelligence," Mind 59(235): 433-460.
- Gardner, Howard, 1987. The Mind's New Science: A
History of the Cognitive Revolution. New York: Basic Books.
- Johnson, George. 1986 Machinery of the Mind: Inside the
New Science of Artificial Intelligence. Redmond, WA:
Tempus/Microsoft Press.
- Searle, John. 1980. "Minds,
Brains, & Programs," The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3(3):
- Waldrup, M. Mitchell. 1987. Man-Made Minds: The Promise
of Artificial Intelligence. New York: Walker and Company.
12 Apr: Discussion: Outline of Finals Papers/Projects
Week 14
17 Apr: Information and Cognitive
Science—2: Critique-Planning, Learning, Designing
- Dreyfus, Hubert L. 1979. What Computers Can't Do: The
Limits of Artificial Intelligence. New York: Harper & Row.
- Lave, Jean. 1988. Cognition in Practice: Mind,
Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
- Lave, Jean & Etienne Wenger. 1991. Situated
Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
- Rittel, Horst W. J. 1972.
“On the Planning Crisis: Systems Analysis of the 'First and Second
Generations.'” Bedriftsokonomen 8: 390–396.
- Suchman, Lucy. 1986. Plans and Situated Actions: The
Problem of Human-Machine Communication. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
- Suchman, Lucy. 1993. "Response
to Vera and Simon's 'Situated Action: A Symbolic Interpretation,'"
Cognitive Science 17(1): 71-75.
- Vera, Alonso H. & Simon, Herbert A. 1993. "Situated
Action: A Symbolic Interpretation," Cognitive Science
17(1): 7-48.
- "Plans and Situated Actions: A Retro-Review"Journal of
the Learning Sciences 12(2) 257-306, special section on Suchman's
Paul's Slides
Kartik's Slides
19 Apr: Literacy, then and now
Graff, Harvey. 1993. "Literacy,
Myths, and Legacies: Lessons from the past/thoughts for the future,"
Interchange 24(3): 271-286
Neil Selwyn, Neil. 2004. "Reconsidering
Political and Popular Understandings of the Digital Divide." New Media & Society, 6(3):
Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, American
Council of Research Libraries
Week 15
24 Apr: Searching for Information
- Battelle, John. 2005. The Search: How Google and Its
Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture.
New York: Portfolio.
- Brin, Sergey & Lawrence Page, 1998. "Anatomy of a
Large-Scale, Hypertextual Digital Search Engine."
- Buckland, Michael K. 1997. "What
Is a 'Document'?" Journal of the American Society for
Information Science 48(9): 804-809.
- Buckland, Michael K. 1992. "Emanuel
Goldberg, Electronic Document Retrieval, and Vannevar Bush's Memex,"
Journal of the American Society for Information Science
43(4): 284-294.
- Chartier, Roger. 1994. The Order of Books: Readers,
Authors, and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth
Centuries. Stanford: Stanford University Press
- Geertz, Clifford. 1978. "The Bazaar Economy:
Information and Search in Peasant Marketing," 68(2):28-32.
- Otlet, Paul, 1990. "Something
about Bibliography," pp.11-24 in W. Boyd Rayward, ed., International
Organisation and Dissemination of Knowledge: Selected Essays of Paul
Otlet. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Internet Archive.
Paul's Slides
26 Apr: Wrap: Has This Course
Provided Any Information?
Week 16: Reading Week
1 May: Final Paper/Project Presentations
11 May: Final Paper/Project Due