IS 214 : Needs and Usability Assessment Spring 2005, TuTh 2-3:30, 110 South Hall
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Assignment 3: Surveys

Work with at least one other person from the class. If you are doing a group project, work with your group. If you are doing an individual project, find someone else to work with. If you are working on a group final project and are the only person in your group in this class, pair up with someone else from the class in the same situation.

Working together, draft a short survey: about 10 questions. If at all possible, it should be related to your final project, regardless of whether you actually plan to make this a part of your project. (If you are working with someone on another group project, draft two surveys -- they can be shorter.)

Once you think you have a stable draft, pre-test it on at least 3 people. You want them to be as much like your target users as possible, although time and other constraints may mean that you only use your fellow students. Then revise the survey, if necessary, based on your pre-tests.

Turn in:

  • A short rationale: what is the purpose (1) of your project, (2) of this survey? What information do you want to get, and WHY? How will you use this information once you get it?
  • A description of your target group, if you were to do this "for real," and a short description what your sampling method would be.
  • The version that you pre-tested.
  • A brief report on your pre-test.
    • On whom did you test it and how? How does this differ from how you would pre-test it if this weren't a class assignment? E.g., on whom would you test it?
    • What did you learn about (a) the questionnaire, and (b) the content area, your questions?
    • What did you need to revise, and why?
  • The revised questionnaire.

Not including the questionnaires, this should be approximately 5 pages.


FYI, we'll be adding more links to survey resources to the course website's links page.


Due March 17.