Assignment One:The Team and Core Competencies Initial Design and Justification
The Team and Core CompetenciesBenjamin Hill: Prototype Development, Architecture The ProblemScheduling meeting times between many users is a tedious, inefficient process requiring numerous emails or phone calls. When one user has a conflict, the entire discussion must be regenerated, requiring each user to again assert his or her availability. Among large groups of users, the number of iterations required can become unwieldy and irritating. Every semester, professors must revisit the task of determining office hours while trying to incorporate personal and student schedules. Providing a web-based tool to automate the scheduling process would reduce the amount of effort and time required by each group member, while enabling group leaders, such as professors, to visualize the general availability of members within the group. Primary Users and GoalsThe primary group of users will be the students, staff, and faculty of SIMS that need to organize single meeting times with groups of attendees. The goal is to decide on a meeting time that works for all of the members of the group with a minimum of back-and-forth email communication. Other users will include Professors and TAs in SIMS that need to schedule optimal office hours with large groups of students. The goals of these users are to find time slots that are best fits, and then to decide on a time slot. Participants
Initial Design and JustificationA review of existing systems shows that many of them are essentially calendaring systems with various degrees of support for scheduling group meetings. Our goal is not to create an entire calendaring system but to create a flexible, clean, and intuitive interface that addresses a specific task: allowing groups of people to democratically schedule meeting times and related group activities. The ideal goal is to create a user interface that is open-ended enough so that it can be plugged either into different backends such as a larger calendaring system or used as a standalone system. Scheduling group events is a common task, embeddable in different applications - we hope to create a design that is usable in multiple contexts. However, where design goals conflict with ease of use and "quality" of interaction, bias will be given to ease of use and a clean, efficient implementation. The scenario and personas that we will be using for our initial design will include members of student groups as well as professors and TAs with office hours. The initial design goals are that it is graphical, iconic, and intuitive. Our philosophy is to avoid being all things to all people, and instead execute well against a core set of tasks (while also being open to working in a broader context), and create an interface that is easy to learn and also efficient in use. |