User Interface Design & Development Project
SIMS 213, Spring 2001

: Linda Harjono, Saifon Obromsook, John Yiu Chi Wai

Summary Report | Assignments | Prototypes | Presentations | Team | Vocabulary | Workload Distribution


Development Process

direct ordering process - the case when placing an order directly put the item on the Order Summary (no window of item details is popped up every time users place an order)

edge-case - the case that occurs so rarely that should not be taken into consideration for designing the interface.

food customization - the ability of a fast food restaurant to alter some ingredients and cooking style of the food as requested by the customers

indirect ordering process -the case when a window of item details is popped up every time users place an order

language setting - the language used in McInterface. In our ealier design, this is set by the customer when he/she first buys a McCard. In later designs, this is set at the first screen.

McInterface - the interface our team is designing for McDonald's electronic ordering system.

persona - a hypothetical user made up by the developers for them to perceive he/she as a real user of the interface during the design process.

primary users - people who are likely to use our system the most.

Order Summary - section of the Main screen that displays alll ordered items with their quantity and the total amount

quantity changer - the left and right buttons that if clicked, change the quantity of an ordered item on the Order Summary

user interface - a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a system.


combo [outdated] - the combination of drinks and food sold as one meal, usually with cheaper price. See also Extra Value Meal.

Extra Value Meal - McDonald's combination meal, which usually consists of a sandwich, french fries, and a drink, and is cheaper than the sum of regular prices of the items. There are three sizes available for the fries and the drink: medium, large, and super size. This menu is claimed to be the biggest part of the sales, and is highlighted in the traditional McDonald's menu.

Happy Meal - a small combination meal designed for kids, usually comes with a toy. See also Happy Meal Toy.

Happy Meal Toy - a toy that comes with a happy meal. There are usually several kinds in one set. Each toy set usually lasts for a limited amount of time, depending on the current promotion. See also Happy Meal.

McCard [outdated] - the smart card intended to be used with McInterface. We later decided to not yet corporate this type of payment into our design.

McNuggets - McDonald's chicken nuggets.

Mini Meal Deals - short-term, special-price promotions on McDonald's food. This menu is displayed in posters instead of on McDonald's permanent menu since the deals only last for a short time.

MyFav [outdated] - favorite orders of a McCard holder recorded in the card. We later changed this term to 'favorite orders' since the term confused most users. Also, since we postponed the idea of designing for a smart card, we have to put this feature aside.

New Tastes Menu - McDonald's menu of new food items.

special requests - requests to add, exclude, or only put little of particular ingredients in an order, such as no onion or no pickles.

special deals - special-price promotions on food.