User Interface Design & Development Project
SIMS 213, Spring 2001

: Linda Harjono, Saifon Obromsook, John Yiu Chi Wai

Summary Report | Assignments | Prototypes | Presentations | Team | Vocabulary | Workload Distribution

Appendix D

Instructions on How to Run the Prototypes

Required software: Microsoft Access 2000, which is available in SIMS labs (and WinZip, in case you plan to download the .zip version).

You can either download the Access file or the .zip file.

1. First-Interactive Prototype: McInterface1.mdb (2.99 MB), (0.98 MB)

2. Second-Interactive Prototype: McInterface2.mdb (7.87 MB), (2.35 MB)

3. Prototypes for the Usability Testing:

4. Last-Iteration Prototype: McInterface4.mdb (10.5 MB), (4.13 MB)

Instructions and Tips:

1. Download the file. If you downloaded the .zip version, unzip the file. We recommend that you have the copy of the file in your temp directory in the local drive to improve speed and reduce network traffic
2. Open the file
3. Start using the interface. Since we cannot implement the design on a real touch-screen, you can use a mouse as your pointing device. However, you can evaluate the interface based on the fact that it will be used with a touch-screen.
4. The prototype is designed for an 8" x 9" touch screen. For the testing, however, if your screen minus all the toolbars in Access is smaller than this area, you will need to scroll.
5. On the first page, 'Start[Sp]' means the word 'Start' written in Spanish, and 'Start[Ch]' means the word 'Start' written in Chinese.
The pictures do not reflect the real images of the items.
7. If you have any questions regarding the terms used in the menu, see our revised vocabulary section.