Appendix C
Low-Fidelity Prototype Testing
Previews, Instructions,
and Incident Logs
A Preview of the System
Our system is a walk-up
station inside McDonald's restaurant. The system is for you to order McDonald's
food electronically, and operates on a touch screen. You
will have a prepaid smart card called a McCard in order to purchase food using
the system. You can get the McCard from the system itself. The McCard keeps
records of the dollar value and your favorite orders. You can add dollar values
to the McCard using a credit/debit/ATM card.
We have produced a paper
prototype of the interface to be tested on users. Please note that the images
and price data that we use in this prototype are imaginary. In addition, our
'human computer' may not act very fast. The real system will be electronic and
should response faster than our current 'human computer.'
Please, keep in mind that
this experiment is intended to test our prototype, not yourself. So, please
be relax. If you are not clear or unable to do about something, or if you make
mistakes, do not worry. The blame is on our prototype, not on you. Also, your
feedback means the world to us!
Before we can start, we
also need to know you are OK with this testing by signing our consent form.
The testing session should
take about 30 minutes.
- Objects that are highlighted
or bordered in blue can be touched and they will do something for you.
- Please 'think aloud'
while you are testing our system. Say anything that you want to do or anything
that you are thinking about.
- Feel free to ask questions
during the test, but we may not answers some of them since we want to know
how you interact with our system without getting hints from us.
- You will start without
having a McCard at first. After getting the McCard, you can do anything you
want with the system.
- Then, we are going to
ask you to follow one of our scenarios.
- After the testing, we
will ask you some questions regarding your experience using our system.
Critical Incident Logs
1st Subject:
- "Should I insert
my credit card? So, do I have to insert 2 cards at a time?"
- He paused after authorizing
add value transactions, the button on the right is the 'QUIT' button. Should
he quit? He said that he usually looks at the bottom right side of the screen
to find a button to let him do the next task. He then suggested us to put
'OK' and 'Cancel' button on this page instead of Back, Next, and Quit button.
- "The special request
matrix is confusing. You should separate those associated with burgers and
those associated with beverages."
- "Why suddenly my
total is greater than before?" (We forgot to put the price on the bigger
size choices for fries and drinks)
- He paused when he wanted
to check out, tried to find the 'Check Out' button, which was not big enough.
- "What if I want
more ketchup?"
- "Do I need to remember
my order number?"
- He always clicked the
picture instead of the "Add" button when ordering
2nd Subject:
- "What is MyFav?"
- "I forgot to add
my special request to my Hamburger order. What should I do?"
- "How do I cancel
an order?"
- "How do I know that
my special request has been recorded?"
- "What if I want
to make changes to my order? Clicking the picture again means adding one again?"
- He always clicked the
picture instead of the "Add" button when ordering
3rd Subject:
- She did not seem to know
where to swipe her credit card.
- "Do I need to insert
my credit card first or typing the value that I want to add first?"
- She seems not to notice
the different tabs that we had.
- She did not understand
what the drop-down box on the 'Others' tab for.
- "Does 'Value Size'
mean the size of the burger or the size of the fries/beverage?"
- "Where are the happy
meals?" She then suggested to put some cartoon picture on the happy meal
tab to attract kids' attention.
- "Where are the toys?
I need to know what toys are available before ordering my Happy Meals."
- She said that there were
too many decisions to made on the confirmation page. The 'Save Order' button
should be put below the order confirmation list.
- She always clicked the
picture instead of the "Add" button when ordering
4th Subject:
- He did not seem to know
where to swipe his credit card.
- "Oops, I want to
add less money than that. How do I clear that text box?"
- He said that using McCard
would not be convenient to him. He likes to be able to just use his ATM/credit
card to purchase food from the system.
- "I added value to
my McCard before. Now, I need to add more value again, why do I need to swipe
my credit card again?"
- He always clicked the
picture instead of the "Add" button when ordering.