




IS206 Distributed Computing Applications and Infrastructure

Fall 2006


August 26

Welcome to IS206! Please check this page on a regular basis for the latest announcements.

Please subscribe to the i206 mailing list via my.sims or sending email to majordomo@sims as soon as possible. The mailing list will be used for dissemination of course-related announcements, as well as for unmoderated discussions on course-related topics.

Place-out Exam: Wednesday, August 30, 12 noon to 1:30pm, South Hall 202. It will be a 90-minute, in-class written exam testing fundamental concepts covered in a typical CS curriculum, including: computer architecture, boolean logic, data structures and algorithms, networking, and security. Only students wishing to place out of IS206 should take this exam.

Place-in Exam: Thursday August 31 2pm to Friday September 1, 6pm. (At the request of Prof. Glushko, we have extended the deadline from Friday 2pm to Friday 6pm, so that students can attend the Thursday afternoon lectures and seminars if they wish.) All incoming students must take this exam, including those who wish to place out of IS206. It will be a take-home Java programming proficiency test where you will be asked to write a complete Java program similar in complexity to the "battleship game" in the book Head First Java. You will be allowed to refer to any Java book or online resource such as the Sun Java API reference. You can choose to use a Java IDE such as Eclipse if you wish. You are not allowed to discuss the material with any other person.

For more details, see the programming skills webpage and the 7/26/06 email to the incoming@sims mailing list.