
The e-paper

Whenever I go near Sproul Hall, I grab a copy of The Daily
Californian. I like reading papers I mean “physical” papers when compared to
digital papers. However this post not about my likes or dislikes it is about
the way information is organized on the digital medium. An e-paper gives an
enormous flexibility to organize information. If you visit the website you will
find the “News, Sports, A&E, Opinion, Multimedia and Blogs” categories.

Enter The Twylah Zone

Cal Twylah PageKeeping track of relevant and interesting data proves to be quite a challenge in the seemingly endless river of information that social media platforms, such as Twitter, generate.  To help alleviate this sense of information overload, Twitter users can “follow” and create lists of other users to organize the information that interest them into manageable chronologica

Organizing Laptops as Marketing Strategy

A recent thread on [noise] pointed to this article on Ars Technica about Intel's Ultrabook program and the search for a competitor to Apple's MacBook Air. The author explains a desire for a MacBook Air that isn't an Apple - essentially, a comparable laptop from one of the leading PC manufacturers. Low and behold, he is unable to find anything close.
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