
New Mobile Photo Sharing Applications Flood the Market

According to the New York Times, Silicon Valley is seeing a surge in new companies that focus on mobile photo sharing applications. Unlike many established competitors in the field, the new companies are developing mobile apps as a first priority and focusing less on the traditional web incarnation of their products. The photo apps vary in the features they offer, but often mimic the structure of existing social media applications.

The Art of Gaming Social News Networks: Separating Truth From Fiction

During last class, while Bob was talking about bad tagging techniques, he wondered why would anybody tag a bookmark on Delicious "tagthis?" A big banner in red started flashing in my mind saying: "Gaming The System" Looking deeper into the issue, "tagthis" seems to be more innocuous than I first imagine. Apparently it was generated by tagth.is, a service that bookmarks links in tweets. This however does not deny the fact that social news networks are being actively gamed by a small but extremely devoted group of people.

Delicious ambiguity and tag usage visualization

Along the lines of my previous post about tagging usage in del.icio.us, you might want to take a look at TagWiz. Hyunwoo Park, Satish Polisetti, and Dhawal Mujumbar created this tool to visualize the tags of an individual user in delicious. It provides tag frequency distribution visualization and a metric of how important the long tail effect is.

Galaxy Zoo: Crowdsourcing for Science

In the age of information huge datasets aren't hard to come by. Everyone is trying to make sense of the rampant information made available to them. One of the largest (at least in terms of potential size) datasets to be analyzed is — somewhat ironically — the universe. It's big. 


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